Exciting news about Matrix 2.0. A bit of a long post but really interesting read.

  • DerinA
    19 months ago

    You can have it listen in lieu of Synapse, or it can live side by side on the same server (thus not breaking compatibility with older clients) and you can just point Element X to the new port.

    • jakob
      29 months ago


      I run nginx in front of synapse and sliding-sync

      And the initial sync was VERY slow…


      • DerinA
        9 months ago

        Yep, just finished setting up sliding-sync myself (I’m old fashioned so I still use Apache 😄)

        The initial sync was slower, but even slower for me as the initial sync caused RAM spikes leading to the OOM killer sneaking in. Had to set up a swap file to temporarily get past it.

        Also, note that the initial sync is slow because it does a full V2 sync to the proxy first, only then can you start with V3/Sliding-Sync.

        But, Element X seems fun! Not ready to be a daily driver for me (I really need proper spaces support for the way I use Matrix), but damn if the new loads aren’t sweet.

        Edit: Oh man, just installed Element X on another device to test a “clean” login (since the V2 sync is already completed, now). Probably took ~5s from first time logging in to seeing every chat/message. Goddamn that’s sexy. I’m a happy camper, right now.