A contrast between liberal effectiveness and socialist fecklessness.

This article is about Bernie Sanders showboating with a showy but meaningless attack on Israel. Meanwhile, Biden got the job done behind the scenes:

“The Israelis have indicated that they are preparing to transition their operations to a much lower intensity, and we believe that that transition will be helpful both in terms of reducing civilian casualties as well as increasing humanitarian assistance.”

That’s the buried lede: Biden got it done, Bernie is fucking useless at best. But the #GenocideJoe liars will be pleased at Bernie attacking Biden.


#israel #hamas #politics #biden #berniesanders

  • Frith@mastodon-uk.net
    9 months ago

    @TruthSandwich@sfba.social He looks like crap, but he’s looked like crap for ages, yet doesn’t die. I’m really surprised someone close to him hasn’t poisoned him, or smothered him in his sleep by now. If he goes to jail, I suspect the rigors of the new environment will finish him off fairly quickly, just as jail finished off Oscar Wilde.