We moved to America in 2015, in time for my kid to start third grade. Now she’s a year away from graduating high school (!) and I’ve had a front-row seat for the US K-12 system in a district rated as one of the best in the country. There were ups and downs, but high school has been a monster.

If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:



  • spbollin@mas.to
    9 months ago

    @dpnash@c.im @pluralistic@mamot.fr I feel pretty lucky. Both AP classes, not regularly offered, were “rewards” for really good teachers who were given wide latitude to teach what they wanted to teach. I’m realizing now that it was a reward for me, too!

    We have a teenager in high school currently. It is completely “teach to State/AP/whatever test”, only proving Corey’s points. And the high-stakes testing consumes at least a week of each semester.