• adderaline@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    this shit gets me angry. both parties suck, biden sucks, yeah yeah yeah. he isn’t in support of actively ripping rights away from millions of people, and he isn’t on board with genociding trans people. i swear, you have either be super out of touch with the people actively under threat by republicans or putting your principles over the lives of actual people to even begin equating the two parties. work on utopian political projects every other day of the year, build movements to affect broader social change, but i swear if you end up not voting blue during one of the most precarious moments of this shithole’s democracy what comes next is worse for all of us.

    and to be clear, biden sucks and i hate him. but genuinely i don’t want to get genocided, and the blue guy is a lot less likely to try that shit on me or the people i love.

      • FIash Mob #5678@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        No, Hillary is why Trump won.

        Just on my tiny street in America, three families lost their homes to Obama’s foreclosure crisis. Multiply that by every street in this country and you have a lot of people who won’t see the appeal of Hillary being a continuation of Obama’s policies.

    • tangentism@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      and the blue guy is a lot less likely to try that shit on me or the people i love.

      So it’s only “a lot less likely” not a definitive won’t ever?

      • adderaline@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        oh for sure. i don’t trust the dude, and his policy (like all capitalists) has tangible impacts on my quality of life. every moment we don’t have universal health care, and specifically universal gender affirming healthcare for one of my specific minority corners, leads to the unnecessary deaths of innocent people. every moment we don’t have housing justice, climate justice, and any number of other progressive policies leaves more people in horrific situations. i just don’t think electoral politics provides a pathway for anything better at the moment, and if it goes to the red team things get much worse for everybody much quicker.

    • StrayCatFrump@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      I’m voting socialist (probably Green, but good chance something like PSL or Socialist Alternative).

      What comes next if someone from one of the uni-party brands is elected is on you, liberal.

      • adderaline@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        yeah, such a liberal. haha. i’m a queer anarchist. if i thought there was a chance in fucking hell a socialist would get into office i’d take it. i just don’t put ideological purity over human lives. electoral politics is fucked, but your cute little third party vote is designed to mean fuck all, and we both know that. i’m gonna stomach my distaste for the dickhead and spend an hour of my time doing the most basic form of political engagement possible, to prevent the real deal fascist bigot party from getting more power over us, then i’m going to get back to more productive things. fuck you if you can’t discern the difference between the people legislating people like me out of existence, and the people who aren’t. people will live or die based on the outcome of these elections, its not time to play pretend about socialists in US electoral politics.

        • StrayCatFrump@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          You are helping to ensure a socialist won’t get into office. A self-fulfilling prophecy. Liberal in action; anarchist in word. You came out of the gate trying to shame people who actually vote for their principles. That’s not solidarity with anyone fighting for liberation, sorry.

          • adderaline@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            i’m getting angry. this is my attempt to articulate myself more clearly.

            to my mind, its like this: you want to do something that will both not get a socialist elected, because there is not enough public support and third parties have not won in modern history, and marginally increases the likelihood a theocratic fascist gets elected. you can say that Biden is the same, but to me, in the social position i’m living in, he tangibly isn’t, and state and federal democratic policy is the reason i am currently able to get estrogen and antidepressants from my medicare doctor at a queer affirming clinic for free. the other guy doesn’t want me to have any of that stuff, and in fact, his party has been work-shopping laws across republican controlled states to limit access to those exact resources, and has promised to do so on a federal level if elected.

            would i rather not have Biden? yes! am i trying to the best of my ability to contribute to local mutual aid groups and socialist projects in my city? also yes! but fuck, from my perspective voting third party has no fucking way of tangibly improving my actual real life material conditions, and tangibly increases the likelihood of my actual real life material conditions worsening significantly.

            so please, for fucks sake, don’t do the thing that helps the bigots but sticks to your principles, please. i am very frightened, and do not want to die or be left without healthcare. i’m not trying to shame you, i’m telling you that if enough people do the thing that you are planning to do this next election, the most likely outcome is very much not a socialist getting to be the president. please, i will beg on my knees, don’t do a very dumb thing that won’t get you what you want.

            of course, i would greatly prefer if a progressive candidate won, and if they made it out of the primary (which i will vote in), then i will less reluctantly vote for them. but genuinely, i think that what you’re doing is stupid and irresponsible not because i looove licking boot, but because i currently rely on resources which exist only at the whims of democratic politicians. talk about the uni-party whatever all you want, but that is the truth for me and millions of other people nationwide. i may not be alive today if it weren’t for resources conceived of and implemented by democrat politicians and provided to me without cost due to my financial conditions.

            • StrayCatFrump@beehaw.org
              1 year ago

              so please, for fucks sake, don’t do the thing that helps the bigots but sticks to your principles, please. i am very frightened, and do not want to die or be left without healthcare. i’m not trying to shame you, i’m telling you that if enough people do the thing that you are planning to do this next election, the most likely outcome is very much not a socialist getting to be the president. please, i will beg on my knees, don’t do a very dumb thing that won’t get you what you want.

              Nothing you do at the ballot box will prevent a fascist from being elected to office, either. You’re willing to beg for someone to put a check mark on the paper to help affirm their shitty status quo political system and their shitty fascist political brands. None of that is going to change your material conditions. Have some dignity, and if you really aspire to be an anarchist, study the actual systems you’re so worried about and figure this shit out. If you’re going to beg a leftist for something, make it something that’ll make a difference. I’ll put my life on the line to get you where you need to go to get the treatment you need, and to figure out how to do it outside of the system you’re begging to preserve that’ll happily put you in the ground. Biden ain’t fucking it.

              Yes, you’re getting angry. You’ve been angry since the first comment I replied to. You’re just angry at all the wrong things and people. Cut that shit out.

          • adderaline@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            you don’t get to decide what i am, and you don’t know what i do. you can blame other people for socialist candidates not being viable in this country all you want, but the reality is, that if we aren’t careful in the next election, people who want me and the people i love dead are gonna get into office, and our electoral system is designed to be winner takes all. unless you really genuinely think a socialist candidate has a solid shot at winning this next election cycle (and we both know they don’t even come close), your principles are gambling with human lives. i don’t have the privilege of having principles right now. i’m trying to survive. and diverting votes to candidates that can’t win makes it more likely the next guy has the power to follow through on his party’s threats of trans genocide. only one party has that on its ticket. that isn’t “trying to shame” anybody. i think that if you want the future you think you want, voting third party does not make sense, and is not strategically viable. we need to pick our enemies wisely.

            • StrayCatFrump@beehaw.org
              1 year ago

              I likely have as much to fear from the rising fascism as you do—I do from what you’ve indicated so far. Yet I am still an anarchist, whereas you are a liberal. You know what happens when you give up your principles, as you just admitted you have? You sell out everyone else and make sure they have even more to fear.

              As for your great saviors the fucking donkey-brand fascists, they literally made an outright transphobe—who fought to put trans women in men’s prisons—their vice president. They aren’t putting their bodies or even their political careers on the line to prevent trans genocide. They aren’t doing fuck all about it, in fact, and have been egging it on for decades themselves except when they need to stand up on the stage and claim there’s a difference between them and the elephant brand. And you’ve fallen for exactly this nonsense to convince you to pick one set of transphobic fascists over the other. It’s working. And you’re the sucker. “Anarchist.” LMFAO.

              Either way I’ll be fighting in the streets as well as standing up for my principles on all fronts, not just the ones where it’s convenient. Vote for your favorite brand of fascists if you like, but don’t try to shame those of us who are actually fighting instead of being reactionaries and blaming leftists and other working-class voters for their predicament as you are.