1ts-hannah reblogged memebf Follow


reblog if your name isn’t Amanda.

2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!

We’ll find you Amanda.

iceslushii Follow

this has almost 11 million notes what is this

yiffmaster Follow

I’ve never seen this post once in 10 years on this site

Ilsilvertail Follow

@hellsite-hall-of-fame I’ve never even heard of this before tho??? Wtf???

computationalcalculator Follow

oh my god, I didn’t think there were any surviving versions of this post left For those who weren’t around in the Deep Lore times, this is one of the relics of the editable post era. This post has THE SINGLE HIGHEST NOTES of ANY post on this site, bar none, but with more than a dozen variations. Every single post you’ve ever seen with more than 3 million notes has been a different version of this one. This is the “Dean’s Gym Shorts” post. This is the Flubber post. This is the original “Reblog if you support gay people” post. it was ALL of them. before half the site got nuked, it had even more notes than it has now - at one point, well over 15 million, and that was years ago. This, with no exaggeration, is the ONE TRUE heritage post

give-grian-rights Follow

This website truly is bizarre

11.3M notes

Original Post (Tumblr)