• Aceticon@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    The mixed effects of Celebrity and Tribalism are incredible.

    I like to think I’m very logical, been in contact with the Acting World in the UK (plus some of my friends had seen the TV World from the inside) which really tore down a lot of the impact I would get from other people being Famous: basically what we on the outside see about Famous people is a highly managed and complete total bollocks image (possibly worse so in Politics) and even barelly know fringe actors are under social/professional pressure to manage their public impression and say certain things but not others.

    Further, I’m in my 50s, lived in several countries, seen quite a bit more than the average person, am at the top of my profession and am hardly lacking in self-confidence or self-belief.

    And yet, some time ago when I joined a small political party where I live now - Portugal - (were “small political party”, unlike in the US, means they have members of Parliament and the leaders are frequently interviewed on TV) and went to a “Welcome to the Party” meeting for members in the district that contains the capital city of the country, I could feel the “Uh, ahh, important person” feeling and the umconfortable self-awareness in the presence of such people.

    For! Fuck’s! Sake!

    I think this crap has nothing to do with Logic (as logically being well-known has very little to do with wisdom or most other qualities except perhaps presentation, and leadership of a Party is seldom the resultof the qualities traditionally deemed to be admirable and which make a Great Man or Great Woman) and comes from some deep down pack instinct or whatever such crap.