In a lengthy report released on the first day of the Democratic National Convention, Republicans used circumstantial evidence to accuse the president of corruption tied to his son’s foreign business dealings.

House Republicans on Monday formally made the case for impeaching President Biden, releasing a lengthy report accusing him of corruption and seeking to allow his family to profit off his office in connection with foreign business deals made by his son Hunter, who has been charged with felony tax crimes.

In the 291-page document, released on the day that Democrats gather in Chicago to begin their party convention, Republicans call Mr. Biden’s conduct “egregious” and say he should be impeached for abuse of power and obstruction. But the report contains no proof that Mr. Biden, when he was vice president, engaged in any corrupt quid pro quo to benefit his son’s business partners, and Republicans admit they have no direct evidence that he ordered any interference into a Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden.

      2 months ago

      How could you miss?

      Because republicans don’t actually regularly train with the firearms they own, they leverage them to project their insecurities instead.

        2 months ago

        To them they are teddy bears of plastic and metal toys, not fine mechines of death inflicting it from afar tools demanding respect. I find it so frustrating that the folks least reserving of weapons are the supposed champions of them, I wish to crucify the NRA.