• jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Edit2: words, phrasing

        Your label of smearing those that do not agree with everything you say says more about you than it does of what I share.

        Gatekeeping the working class, nice.

        We just have a difference in opinion; there is no need to project or assume the worst of people that do not fall in line with your way of seeing the world.

          • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Edit: wording

            Thank you, but we all can learn from those we do not agree with.

            We must continue to learn and improve ourselves, or try to.

        • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          This is something I have to comment on. This user says that it represents the working class, while advocating for switching votes from the political party closest to its platform to a third party.

          A reminder of how politics works in the USA. Suppose you have a school with 100 kids voting for class president. The school is equally divided between the Jocks and the Nerds. The Jocks are represented by a pretty and charismatic, but quite vain and assholish, cheerleader. The Nerds are represented by a dull nerdy kid, complete with boxy glasses and a pocket protector. And the School is preparing these young Americans for life in the USA, so the election is First Past the Post.

          The school has a slight lean towards the Nerds. As in 51 kids would vote for the dull nerdy kid rather than the pretty jerkish cheerleader. 49 would prefer the cheerleader. Now, the cheerleader has a single nerd in her orbit, a bookish girl who’s good with maths. She sits down with the cheerleader and points out ‘if the election were held today, you’d lose 51 to 49.’ The cheerleader throws a temper tantrum, and then demands to know how to win, because her pappy didn’t raise no loser. Bookish girl tells her ‘You need to suppress the vote and distract the voters on the other side. If you peel off at least 3 voters, you’ll win 49 to 48. Make a scandal up, present the other side with an alternative, and convince those nerds to stay home or vote third party, and you can win this.’ The cheerleader and the bookish girl come up with a plan – a scandal and a third party candidate.

          The scandals are easy. One of the cheerleaders, friends with THE cheerleader, comes up with a rumour that the nerdy boy came on to her at prom. This gets the feminists in the boy’s coalition up in arms, and they scream they won’t vote for him because he’s a skeesy boy who puts his hands on girls uninvited, despite no proof that he actually ever did something like that. And the distraction? Bookish girl. Cheerleader pretties her up, and positions her as an alternative to dull nerdy boy. And they also set up a few other distractions for election day, which will be outside of school hours. Enter a book club meeting and a video game tournament…during voting hours.

          Election day comes. 4 gamers are playing at the tournament and two bookish kids are at the book club meeting, and not voting. 51 votes becomes 45 votes. Another 15 kids vote for Bookish Girl Candidate, in a mix of ‘she’s pretty’ and ‘Dull Nerd Candidate is a skirt-chaser!’ That takes Team Nerd down to 30 votes. Of course, Bookish Girl Candidate was never in it to win, so she would have voted Team Cheerleader if it was closer, but between her and the 15 kids, Team Bookish Girl got 16 votes. But First Past the Post means Team Jock wins with 48 votes, and all 51 Nerds get the exact opposite of what they want for the next schoolyear as the Book and Game club get closed down in favour of more Jock activities.

          Accounts like jimmydoreisalefty and others are the Bookish Nerd Girl in this example. They are here to convince us to stay home or vote Third Party, while screaming that Dull Nerd Boy shouldn’t ever get our vote for a litany of reasons. Listen to them at your peril. They do not have your best interests in mind. They want Cheerleader to win, and to take away your Book Club and your Game Club. Or put more realistically, they want Team Trump to win and take away your civil rights and subject you to an authoritarian nightmare in the order of what Putin, Xi, Orban, Kim, Netanyahu, and other authoritarian strongmen dictators have planned for their nations.

          This isn’t Left-Wing vs. Right-Wing. It’s Egalitarian vs Authoritarian, and the Authoritarians smell blood in the water. Be careful and mindful how you use your vote.

          PS: Yes, I agree with Leate_Wonceslace here. This user is not an honest debater. It’s here for nefarious purposes: To enable Trump to steal the election and force Project 2025 on us. Keeping this in the here and now, and keeping it real.