• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • With the recent Microsoft garbage, I’m giving Linux another try. I’ve been running a laptop for a while, no issues. My main rig, however can’t read all of my um…?hard drives

    A live USB of Mint 21 reads 2 of 5 drives fine. The rest are recognized from GParted, but can’t access them. It looks like NTFS-3G is installed.

    I’ve duck duck go’d (which apparently is just Bing) for a solution, but haven’t succeeded. Long term, I can probably pick up another drive, copy, and reformat everything to something Linux friendly. For now, I just want access.

    I’m lazy and burned out. I don’t want to use the terminal- which I did try. I just want to make a few clicks and have access to all of my files.

    If it matters, the drives (roughly) show up as: 500 gb, 4 TB NTFS (readable) 3, 12, 16 TB unknown (not readable)

    Windows says they’re all NTFS.

    Is there an easy way to easily mount my drives?

  • I’m not going to down vote you, but I strongly disagree. Wealthy begets wealth. Poverty digs the hole deeper. This has been the pattern for longer than any of us have been alive.

    You don’t have money? Congrats, you need to take out loans for any important purchase, and get terrible interest rates on those loans. You can live in a crappy apartment and drive a crappy car, but those still cost significant money when you have none. Work two or three jobs even. The minimum wage have been raised in 15 years, so what you earn is barely enough to scrape by, assuming you don’t have any health problems.

    You come from money? Make investments, but rental properties, get your education without financially crippling you for years. You come from lots of money? Corner the market, influence Congress to pass bills that protect your assets and punish others.

  • I’m voting democrat no matter what, for obvious reasons, but I don’t understand the down voting for calling out what is pretty obvious. I watched John Stewart’s episode on it, then some interviews today. It was bad. Really bad.

    Biden isn’t fit to be president. I wouldn’t trust him with my dinner order. This election hasr potential to be a disaster. Yes, I know staff is doing the work, but it’s still not comforting to have a doddering old man at the helm.

    I would think finding someone that is youngish, intelligent,and exciting wouldn’t be that difficult. It would also be a(nother) huge contrast from the orange shit stain.

  • So far $5.7 billion has been spent. The total approved funds were actually $60 billion. That ratio does seem sketchy, but the article mentions the money will be spent on other upgrades as well, such as customer service, though it fails to go into much detail.

    I recall reading that increasing IRS funds tend to yield significantly higher earnings, but the article doesn’t provide any depth there. The proposal mentions that they expect to bring in $200 billion. That sounds disappointingly low to me. I was hoping for something more like a 10-1 return, but I imagine auditing those armed to dodge taxes isn’t easy.

  • Never responded. I didend up buying a keychron. They didn’t have the blues in stock, so I bought one with browns and ordered blue switches. They also were out of the model that had Wi-Fi, but I figured Bluetooth is fine. Turns out, I love the brown switches. Also, I realized my rig is so old and randomly upgraded that I don’t even have Bluetooth.

    Anyway, it’s the best keyboard I’ve ever owned. Works great with my various laptops. I now enjoy typing. Many thanks for the recommendation.

  • There’s been debate about changing the size of the supreme court for a long time. The problem is that if one party does it, the next one can do the same to stack in their favor. That said, just 9 members that are permanent installed with no oversight makes them arguably the most powerful body in the nation. Just one crooked member can be devastating.

    I don’t have a perfect solution, but I’d start with something more like 21 members, strict oversight into their finances, a third party that mandates recusal, and a shelf life.

    The damage of these 6-3 decisions could last decades or worse. They certainly don’t represent the people that are much closer to 50/50 conservative/liberal than 2/3 extremely conservative.

  • I was trying to find active users since he took over. But the only numbers I can find are numbers provided by Musk, who is a well known liar.

    I know Lemmy and Mastodon are niche communities, and that people put up with a lot of garbage from Big Tech, but I have to believe that a lot of users have left Twitter, or least that usage is down. I also assume bots are way up, because Musk wants his numbers to be up regardless of the source (save for people with an opposing opinion).

    Hopefully Musk’s shitty little empire crumbles…soon.