Mind your business.

  • 63 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2024


  • Ludwig Von Mises was a highly educated man and spoke post college level English and his native tongue, German. Are you sure you want to compare credentials? Joe Biden speaks well below high school level. Joe has nothing on a genius. His economic advisor is an embarrassment to responsible statecraft. The meritless kakistocracy that democratic Marxist activism promotes, for example DEI, promoting based on social justice instead of merit. Mises was a great man, Biden is a mediocre man who is elected by people who consider themselves less than him.

  • “Suspected” is American language for no hard evidence. The Americans are so eager to fire sanctions, evidence does not really matter. On the other hand, Israel is either committing mass murder or genocide, whatever you want to call it. What Americans believe is evidence is penal labor, which is a legitimate punishment as much as prisoners making state license plates. Chinese actually punish their criminals and discipline their citizens for bad behavior. Unlike the American justice system that treat their hardened criminals gently and humanely as possible as to not cause duress or discomfort. The stereotypical American criminal has a decade long rap sheet of crimes. American death penalty is so rare, you’re more likely going to die from a car crash than being on death row. If they land death row, they spend decades living their lives reflecting on the good times. That is the incompetent American justice system. Their justice system is so bad, they have no idea what to do to lower crime other than don’t prosecute crime. Look how El Salvador is made safe by leaps and bounds that the current leader has an 80-90 percent approval. G.I. Joe is lucky if he reaches 45%. That is competent leadership.

  • Russia does not want to annex Ukraine, and it is doing so anyway, so that is irrelevant. It is a demilitarizing process. The nuance is key. Since NATO is a persistent threat that likes to test boundaries, they will annex is the Russian-speaking oblast of Ukraine or make them their own republics. Ukraine ideally was supposed to be a neutral buffer zone between NATO and Russia. There is no trust for that, so the Russian elites decided that the next best thing is to invade Ukraine in order to eliminate its war fighting capability. Ukraine conflict made the Russian military stronger and made the Ukrainian army much weaker. The issue is trust between NATO and Russia. If NATO and the EU left Ukraine as a non-aligned, neutral country, the Russians would have not invaded. There is a reason why the Russians did what they did, not because they want to, but for future survival. The decision to invade Ukraine did not come easy. Israel on the other hand chooses to bomb Gaza and Hamas is nowhere near the threat that NATO is to Russia, in the eyes of the Russians.

  • Zionism is extremist to liberal ideology; the idea that a people have a right to settle a land and create a country while dismissing the people who lived there for centuries. It is not that extremism took over Israel. The premise of Zionism is nationalism. It is the same type of nationalism that motivates an Argentine to claim the Falkland Islands. The only difference is Israeli nationalism is justified by theology. Similar to how Islam gives Muslims the right to “put civilizations to the right path”. It is a matter of supremacy. Westerners cry about racism all the time, it is always on the news, something racist happened, a person is racist, while at the same time, they seem quite tolerant of supremacy in the Greater Israel region. While activist treat Zionism as some kind of special supremacy, it is just nationalism. The State Of Israel is a primarily Jewish. That is the whole point of in the foundation of Israel. The “People Of Israel” run the state. A Christian, a Muslim, a pagan, a non-Jew, are not part of the Nation Of Israel. If Israel is thought of in this way, it makes you wonder why American politicians, who preach about democratic liberalism being the correct order for the world, using this as a justification to blow people up, supports a nationalist country that is arguably, at the very least, of committing war crimes. I don’t consider American civilian leadership particularly smart people, but most of the laymen do. American military leadership on the other hand do understand Israel is a liability, and this is from their cold military analysis.

  • Are you aware that Western culture is Christian culture? Was Jesus a poor man or a rich man? Was he submissive or a conquering hero? The greatness of a man is his accomplishments… is it not?

    The Bible is pro slavery…

    You must think that atheist ended slavery, that the Civil Rights Movement was atheist. Martin Luther King Jr was an atheist???

    It didn’t…

    Right, because creating the first welfare system was an act of inhumanity. Feeding and clothing the poor was an egregious act.

    The humble, meek, Christian fundamentalist who devotes his life to poverty is absolutely disgusting. For some people, poverty is disgusting.

    I had to chuckle at a left-winger the other day when he told me “communist are anti-religion,” then I prepare for it, a link that shows that Christian Communism existed long before the Bolshevik Revolution. Communism comes from the Bible. Read the Book of Acts, Acts of the Apostles, read your Bible, and learn the scripts of your program