I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • You, umm… might wanna think about not talking while us vast-majority-of-the-working-class are discussing how we are going to eat the rich… just a thought. I know people in your tax bracket, and they are all wildly out of touch with society, just like you appear to be. The most I can make in my area, degreed and with skills and all, is 40k, literally 10x lower than what you make. And you have the absolute audacity to complain.

    So… like… Nobody cares about your “struggle”. At all. Literally nobody ever. You are part of the problem as far as most people are concerned. And you probably actually are part of the problem to be whining like this, anyway.

  • I’m too old to know what kids are doing most of the time, tbh, but the kids on my street spend most of their time outside, tons of kids walk to and from school, it’s just a pleasant, generally low-key area. It helps that half my local area is dead ends due to the train tracks a couple blocks away in any direction, so not a lot of street traffic, emboldening kids to play outside.

    The majority of people of whom I am aware on my street are really nice and neighborly, or at least leave me alone, but it’s a rural-ish area and there are people who think laws don’t apply to them and their dogs… those people suck. The rest tho… my neighbor mowed my lawn for a year for me when I was sort of not capable myself, because he saw I had a company coming out and wanted to save me money, so now we sort of share the part of our lots that meet; because he mows it and I don’t have to think about it, I let him use it to store shit outside of his fence, even tho it’s mostly my property that I’m not using anyway. The old dude who used to mow in his tightie-whities gave me half a garden bed of lettuce because it overgrew. Just came up to my door one day with a bowl of dirty salad and said “here, it’s butter crisp. If you want more I have more.” And left. The neighbor directly across the street (where the black fam is moving in) often got my mail and brought it back, and so on. We all just exist here, sure, but it’s a pleasant area. Not like the communities of old, but… as good as ones likely to get these days.

    My new business neighbor is even taking my advice to be a better neighbor. It’s a warehouse nobody ever really used, and he doesn’t plan to use it that often either, so he’s going to change the building lights from omnidirectional eyesores into unidirectional, illuminating his property and the sidewalk around it but not my walls or the windows of houses across the street.

    But I grew up in an area where we didn’t lock doors, the postman, whomever it was, came into the house to deliver packages (technically a porch but not really… we also lived directly next to the post office so I’m sure my parents knew them well enough), I knew all the cops, and they lived in town (knew them due to my neighbor being a drug house, using said post office parking lot for house parties while on probation) and the mayor was my moms bff (best gay friend -he thought that acronym was stupendous!) I helped him with his campaign by printing t-shirts in my highschool photography lab back in like 2003 (which had a screen printer). So super small town vibe. This is close but not really the same.

  • lol I would pay actual money to see trump live on my street for one year.

    For one thing, houses here were selling for 20-80k 10 years ago, so people without much money live here. (My neighbor bought his place for 25k in 2018, it needed a lot of work, sure, but all the same. Mine was 60 as a foreclosure in 2013 - 40k+ is a good yearly salary here…

    The renovated laundromat kiddie-corner to me is rented out by four black/hispanic families, and the kids are always playing in the street on bikes, boards, and scooters, the other end of the block is an unknown number of Hmong sharing a house (they have 6 vehicles between them, and I’m pretty sure they converted the garage to living space), there’s a 30-some-yo with downs that rides his trike around the block 6 times a day every day, talking to everyone very loudly, and the house across from me just sold to a big black family.

    That’s just what I know about; I keep to myself. There are 8 additional buildings with unknown entities. He’d hate it. I’d love it.

  • That’s so… limiting…

    I’m in a swing state and can choose to vote for any single party in the primary. Just one. You can declare a party by filling a bubble on your ballot, so if you accidentally vote somewhere you don’t mean to it doesn’t count (the list is big), and if you don’t do that and vote in more than one none count, but if one party is locked in due to incumbent or something, I can vote for the least bad option in the opposing side. I’m not locked in to anything, and I think I’m still registered as a dem from so so many years ago.

    Everyone should have that and it’s so weird that we let states decide that sort of thing.

  • Is it just me or does your average rpg today seem just… easier overall than they used to be? I feel that’s where a lot of this problem comes from for me, because I’m always expecting it to get hard and it doesn’t. (😏)

    There’s a few games here and there where dying happens a lot and consumables and constant gear upgrades are very needed, but the majority of them you don’t need most of the consumables or gear you get anyway. They feel like dopamine hit filler content.

    Like I’m playing biomutant right now, and there’s a lot of consumables (and so so so much mostly junk gear) to loot throughout the game… but there’s also a heal ability that you can unlock and use on a timer, plus health refills outside of combat, so now that my weapons and armor are a lot stronger, even tho the enemies scale with you, it’s been dozens of hours of active play since I’ve used a consumable of any variety, and there’s at least half the game to go. And this has been a fairly consistent experience in games this decade or so, maybe longer even. I’m not a great gamer; I’m too lazy to learn to block or parry in any game, ever, and dodging is a maybe skill, only if it’s easy to perform… so it’s not at all that I’ve gotten better or anything…