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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • lol, I have no idea why someone down voted you.

    But yea, the plural of code in the context of programming scripts is just code, but if you were to talk about codes like a code to get into a door pin-pad, it has an “s” at the end for plural. To be honest, I’m sure there’s plenty of native English speakers not in the tech world that would likely also call it “codes” when talking about programming.

  • When you said “I highly doubt it” in response to the first comment, what were you doubting? You comment does not seem to make sense in response to the comment. They said that the open source project has likely cost more money in lost subscription fee’s than in AWS API calls, and you said you doubt it?

    Then the person replying to you said “The general population is very much influenced by the Home Assistant community” not that everyone knows about it. But your comment talks strictly about how commonly known things in the tech world are not commonly known in the general population (which I think is pretty commonly known in the tech world as well).

    This comment chain does not seem to be talking about the same things.

  • I think it could definitely be possible to do locally, and I wouldn’t want a car where I have to connect to servers to connect to it. But I am also not sure I want a car that can be opened with a command on the car itself. The code to access your CAR being stored locally on the car itself, with no server side validation, does seem kinda scary. It’s one thing for someone to manage to get into your online login where you can change the password, it’s another for someone to literally be able to steal your car because they found a vulnerability. It being stored locally would mean people would reverse engineer it, they could potentially install a virus on your car to be able to gain access. Honestly, as a tech guy, I don’t trust computers enough to have it control my car.

  • Generally, an engineer wants their product to work well and work efficiently. They put effort into a product, and it feels good to see people benefit from that work. The ones making the decisions have money on their mind. If a FOSS version of their paid platform costs them too much money, they will shut it down. Not because it was the engineers decision, but because the one’s making the decision likely don’t even know what github is and just know it’s taking away that sweet subscription money.

  • You asked for feedback, so here is my feedback:

    The article is okay. I read most of it, but not all of it, because it seemed overly worded for the sentiment. It could have been condensed quite a bit. I would argue the focus should be more on the fact that there should be a standard in technical documentation, OS’s, specification sheets, etc. That’s the part that impacts most people, and the reason they should care. But that kind of gets lost in all the text.

    Your replies here come off as pretty condescending. You should anticipate most people not reading the article before commenting. Just pay them no attention, or reiterate what you already stated in the article. You shouldn’t just say “did you read the article” and then “it’s in this section of the article”. Just like how people comment on youtube before watching the video, people will comment on the topic without reading the article.

    Maybe they didn’t realize it was an article, maybe they knew it was an article and chose not to read it, or maybe they read it and disagree with some of the things you said. It’s okay for people to disagree with something you said, even if you sincerely believe something you said isn’t a matter of opinion (even though it probably is). You can agree to disagree and move on with your life.

  • To me the bigger problem is the fact we don’t have a written standard. Idc what people say, but if you buy a 10TB hard drive, then plug it in and the OS doesn’t show 10TB, then it can be easy to blame the drive manufacturer when the OS is just using a different prefix quantity, but calling it the same. There should be some way to know exactly how many bytes there are on a drive before you buy it, and it should match when you plug it into your computer. I don’t think that’s crazy, but the article is a little overboard for that sentiment

  • Which part are you trying to be careful with believing? The dead bodies are on camera.

    If the part in question is who killed them, there are multiple witnesses saying it was Israeli forces. But let’s assume they are all lying, or were deceived by Hamas: why would Hamas interrogate and kill Palestinian women and children? If anything, they would use them as body shields, no? They can hide out in schools and hospitals so that in order for Israel to attack them, they’d have to kill innocent people too. And to think Hamas would do it to make Israel “look bad” seems interesting. It’s not like any war crime charges are going to be brought to Israel. Maybe they want more citizens of other countries to get riled up to get their governments to stop funding Israel, but that seems like a lot of forethought for Hamas, no? And to also guarantee all the witnesses would claim it was Israeli forces?

    Does it not make more sense for it to have just been Israeli forces? Do you sincerely believe some Israeli troops would never do such a thing?

  • Not OP, but some cars don’t have bluetooth. My 2009 honda civic didn’t have bluetooth for music. It had bluetooth, but just for the handsfree calling (really dumb), but I also swapped the head unit myself to an android head unit. While there are adapters for USB-C to aux, I found the ones I got weren’t super reliable. My phone doesn’t have an aux, but I wanted one. I made the sacrifice of no aux to get 5G on a different model phone instead. It’s worked out, but when looking for phones in the future having an aux port is a point in that phones favor.