Given how much data they hold on a significant number of people, that’s mildly terrifying.
Given how much data they hold on a significant number of people, that’s mildly terrifying.
23andMe are going out of business?
Not defending pedophiles, but there was a time when 13 was considered adult. It’s still legal for teenagers to marry in most countries.
Anything can be taken out of context.
It really kind of does. If the author is so ashamed of the work that they won’t sign it, that speaks volumes.
An anonymous hit job that reads like it was written by Ehmke. We should give this any credence because…?
She has a mind? I was considering studying her as an example of the Void.
edit to correct typos
Sounds like Spaz is about to have another Numbnuts Moment.
This is actually the Tails project merging with Tor. The Tor project manage Tails and not the other way around.
Apparently, it isn’t about FOSS. It’s about trademark infringement.
OMG! Five paragraph essay when one would be enough. And who is the pro-Palestinian group that complained?
ETA: FWIW, I agree that a nakedly partisan activist, especially one who served as a mouthpiece for war criminals, has no place on any news organization’s review board. My question was just pointing out yhe incomplete reporting in this publication.
I’d feel worse if they didn’t so richly deserve it.
The Zenkit suite may do what you want. I started using it when M$ applied E3 to Wunderlist
For once, I hope Verizon wins
Those records are already protected by HIPAA, aren’t they? And Texas state courts have no jurisdiction outside the state of Texas. What’s he trying to do? Remind independents and moderate Republicans to vote for Harris?
I admit that I have all alerts deactivated for the simple reason that our local agencies can’t seem to use SAME codes and I get tired of waking in the middle of the night for a thunderstorm three counties over.
If only he had found religion instead of founding a for-profit, he’d be riding high and no one would care.
Seems to be still available on Apple’s store. And if Google intended to bury it, this is definitely Streisand Effect at work. Wish I’d known about this a few years ago when I was hiking more
What are anti-features?
Too little, too late. The election is next week