
“You know, I’m something of a Federation enjoyer myself”

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • To be fair, unlike previous years iphone releases I’ve seen more skepticism than normal. I fully expected diehard apple users to be resenting the removal of the lightning connector due to excess charging cables. And while those comments exist, it is a very small minority of people. However with that said I don’t fully understand the mindset of buying a phone that has limited or obsolete hardware / software. (ergo headphone jack, ergo missing software feature, ergo USB 2.0 from 23 years ago)

  • Once again, I’m still trying to figure out how apple users can defend this. Yes, Google maps had this feature, but everytime I talk to apple users I’m always told they got their phone because “it just works!”. But then I learn that features I consider basic at best are completely missing. If my iphone should “just work” I expect the features I want to exist without another app installation. Things on iphone only seem to work if you don’t know anything better.

  • I do have to wonder if Reddit knows something we don’t… This is… wayyy too much to ignore. I assume they’ve done analysis of the worse cases and mass user departure. The only reason I can assume they’re not backing down is due to the very high upfront costs of Reddit. Less users = less costs which theoretically means more profit. You have a very good point, and its something all Lemmy server owners need to be prepared for, which is a huge influx of users joining on the blackouts, even then, it may not be enough, unintentional DDOS attacks are still DDOS attacks. This is a golden opportunity of a lifetime for Lemmy, but I fear with even a 10th of Reddits current userbase, Lemmy admins won’t be able to keep up… I feel for all the developers and admins that make Lemmy possible, and I really hope it goes well for everyone involved. Donate to server admins and the main project if you have a few dollars spare, or if anyone is comfortable with coding I’m sure they need some devs.