If YouTube requires people to use adblockers that will be the start of another big platorm. The only thing is, is that many of these big YouTube channels get paid off and revenue, so they have no desire to move over to a different platform.
I think what we need to see is a humble platform, where there is no hunger for money, just the passion of putting out passionate content. Maybe even have a tip feature, so people can tip, but no ads.
Same goes with Facebook I’d love to see friendica or a new social media platform boom that is on the same vein, or better yet connects to different fediverse instances.
People need to all agree by the masses, that facebook is garbage, uninstall the app, and learn the ropes of a new platform.
Because of a generation gap, it would likely divide the older generation from the younger generation, as the older generation will be stuck feeding into Facebook. You would be surprised how many of them still watch TV.
I mean his from Africa, I wouldnt believe if his ancestors owned a couple plantations down there which ended up becoming what funded Musk in the first place. There’s a lot of dirty money in the pockets of billionaires.