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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • Idk, I have a vivid memory of playing the game, I remember all the weapons and stages, but I don’t remember having ever input the Konami code, although I do know of it nowadays obviously.

    Perhaps my older brother knew it? I don’t know. 30 lives seems like it would just never end, basically.

    My main point was rather that the article said it was harder as a co-op? I think it was easier, maybe.

    I don’t know man, it’s been more than a quarter of a century. All I remember is having had fun. I think that’s the main point.


  • You’re like a bad text-bot based on some really shitty Reddit sub.

    I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised to learn you’re a teenager.

    Your lies about having studied international law at “law school” are beyond ridiculous.

    The way you speak of international law shows you know about as much about it as a 3-year old playing kitchen does about actual cooking.

    Here, again.


    The 24th International Conference of the Red Cross in 1981 urged parties to armed conflicts in general “not to use methods and means of warfare that cannot be directed against specific military targets and whose effects cannot be limited”

    Further evidence of the customary nature of the definition of indiscriminate attacks in both international and non-international armed conflicts can be found in the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. In its advisory opinion in the Nuclear Weapons case, the International Court of Justice stated that the prohibition of weapons that are incapable of distinguishing between civilian and military targets constitutes an “intransgressible” principle of customary international law. This definition of indiscriminate attacks represents an implementation of the principle of distinction and of international humanitarian law in general. Rule 12(a) is an application of the prohibition on directing attacks against civilians (see Rule 1) and the prohibition on directing attacks against civilian objects (see Rule 7), which are applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts. Rule 12(b) is also an application of the prohibition on directing attacks against civilians or against civilian objects (see Rules 1 and 7). The prohibition of weapons which are by nature indiscriminate (see Rule 71), which is applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts, is based on the definition of indiscriminate attacks contained in Rule 12(b). Lastly, Rule 12© is based on the logical argument that means or methods of warfare whose effects cannot be limited as required by international humanitarian law should be prohibited.

    Can bombs going off in market places and other civilian locations be limited in that way? NO.

    Does Israel breaking the humanitarian laws they’ve agreed to as a member of the UN mean Israel just “gets abandoned”. Hmm… how does it work in your society when someone does a crime? Are they just… “abandoned”? Or is there perhaps some sort of a system that deals justice based on the severity of the crime? (Having to write this is exactly what I mean about how ridiculous it is of you to lie that you have any training in law, let alone “law school” :D)


    Israel keeps doing crimes against humanity and you keep defending them. Like a brownshirt from the 30’s. Eww.

  • Warcrimes are warcrimes.

    Ukraine isn’t a bad nation for defending itself against Russia.

    Israel is a garbage nation for the pathetic attacks they commit and the genocides they pull.

    “I said AND COMPANY”

    No you didn’t, and we’re on Lemmy, where it’s beyond simple to look at your edit history

    For someone in the military you really don’t seem to understand how modern warfare works, at all

    Or maybe you’re an arrogant child, speaking out of their ass?

    I’ve actually had training on fighting urban warfare. Training which included international law that’s related.

    Have you?

    No. All you’ve done is suck the fat dick of Israeli propaganda. If you had the knowledge that I do, you’d cringe at pathetic these attempts at “rhetoric” are.

    Israel is doing crimes against humanity.

    it’s not like grenades or rockets were just launched at city streets

    No, this was way less targeted. Israel had zero idea who would end up near the devices even in the completely imaginary scenario where their information is perfect and every pager goes to Hezbollah, as you won’t be able to know where the bombs are when you detonate them.

    Cry more. No excuses for Israeli CRIMES.


    Weird how international law experts agree with me — a person who received even rudimentary info on international law — and not with any of you pushing the “Israel did nothing wrong” side.

    Isn’t that weird? Almost as if all you’ve got is propaganda and lies.


    We got actual laws (which Israel has agreed to, as a member of the UN)

    Oh and I’m not ignoring any your third-grade rhetoric because it’s “hard to answer”, but because I’m all out of accommodating children for the week. Seeing you being serious with your rhetoric, with that level of rhetoric? I can’t even describe it, really. I mean, do you know the feeling you get when you watch toddlers imitating adults, really earnestly? They’re all serious in the face, they don’t understand how cute and silly they’re being? That’s how I feel about your rhetoric. You don’t understand how simple and childish it is.


  • 98% of Gaza is still alive after one year of all this indiscriminate bombing and genocide.

    Are you on crack?

    Oh wait no, you’re smoking Israeli propaganda, even worse than being the worst of crack whores.


    As of 8 September 2024, over 42,000 people (40,972 Palestinian[1] and 1,478 Israeli[13]) have been reported as killed in the Israel–Hamas war, including 116 journalists according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (111 Palestinian, 2 Israeli and 3 Lebanese)[14], 134 journalists and media workers according to the International Federation of Journalists (127 Palestinian, 4 Israeli and 3 Lebanese)[15] and over 224 humanitarian aid workers, including 179 employees of UNRWA.[

    Israel is a pos coward nation committing a genocide on defenseless women and children. I can’t imagine anything more despicable and pathetic.

    But you already knew this, since you’ve studied international law in… “law school”. (:DDDD)

    Maybe you’re right, and you think the west should abandon Israel.

    Honestly, our basic school system informed us more of international laws than your “law school” apparently did you. :D Not how the UN works, my brainwashed friend.

    Then you spam a bit more whataboutism to excuse genocide. “No you don’t understand, we have to genocide these people because they looked at us funny, so we’re allowed to break international law”

    Cmon mister “I-read-international-law-in-law-school”

    What was the name of your school?? :DDD

  • Sure you did, bubba, sure you did.

    You’re not just random internet kid with a cringe username who gets Hezbollah and Hamas confused and kicks off a tantrum. Nope, youre definitely not that.

    You’re an expert in international law!

    You did just call me an antisemite. You implied it. I think you might have to look that word up as well, despite your extensive training in “law school”.

    I’m holding Israel to international laws they’ve agreed on, as a member of the United Nations.

    The the rest of your comment is more shitty whataboutism.