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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Money is kinda important when running a political campaign. Now that the floodgates are open, it’d be shooting yourself in the foot not to use it, even if it’s not the “right thing to do”. Is it somewhat ironic that one needs to accept dark money to have a chance at ending it? Absolutely. But that’s simply the reality of the situation now.

    How about we save the cries of “Hypocrite!” until she has the opportunity to end it, yet still doesn’t.

  • That’s honestly an excellent sanity check on the poll. I did take a brief look at the methodology table, and there were some interesting numbers in there:

    [Polled respondent reported political affiliation:]

    Republican: 1603
    Independent: 1544
    Democrat: 1720
    Other/Don’t know: 485

    As an outside observer, whenever I’ve watched US elections, it’s never been obvious that there have been that many independent voters. It did make me wonder if these are mostly strategic voters who shift their allegiance on election day, or if the MSM simply never accurately conveys just how many independent voters there are.

  • I think either you’re misunderstanding the data, or I am, because it does indeed seem to be 24% of Republicans according to the source:

    Most Americans (81%) disagree with the statement, “if Donald Trump is not confirmed as the winner of the 2024 election, he should declare the results invalid and do whatever it takes to assume his rightful place as president,” compared with 14% who agree.

    Around one-quarter of Republicans (24%) agree with the statement, compared with 13% of independents and only 5% of Democrats who say the same. Republicans who hold a favorable view of Trump are more likely to agree than Republicans who hold an unfavorable view of him (29% vs. 6%).

    If the 24% was the portion of Republicans out of the 14% who agreed, who would the other 76% be?

  • Cannon had filed the Sage Lodge trips with the federal judiciary’s administrative office but had “inadvertently” not taken the second step of posting them on the court’s website. [The clerk] explained that “Judges often do not realize they must input the information twice."

    Seems like a bad system. Why not just have it be done automatically, or have the clerk do it. Presumably the judge’s time is going to be more costly than the clerk’s.

    It almost seems intentionally bad so these little oopsies can keep happening.