Usually, my own thoughts are the only ones that matter to me. The exception is the rare occasion when I actually create a post or comment asking a question. That’s when I want to know about what you think. Otherwise, buzz off.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I’m all happy because I bought my pan pre-seasoned about two years ago and now it has that perfect black non-stick coating on the bottom that will last forever! I’ve only had to re-season a pan once, because someone wanted to be “helpful” and brillo padded the shit out of it. Plenty good reason to never have people stay over ever again!

  • I saved about 100 euros. I was looking at a motherboard with wifi and bluetooth included that was about 280 euros. I got one without for 156. Then, I ordered TP-Link adapters that connect via USB that cost about 18 euros each. I’m getting 25 euros cash back from ASUS for the motherboard. I can afford to give up the USB ports because the motherboard has 8 USB connectors. If you wanted to get a card, well, I think that could be cheaper than USB dongles, depending on where you buy it. I went with the dongles because they’re easy to sell later if I decide I don’t want them anymore.

  • That’s the other thing I didn’t talk about in my comment and I should have. You’re absolutely right. Every month of the year there is some kind of deal and it’s probably not for the component you’re Jonesing for because it’s new. Couple that with inflation and it just makes waiting for a deal or sale not interesting to the consumer, especially now when particular components are just increasing in price all the time, like graphics cards. I’m starting to suspect that RAM is going to go up in price, too, along with graphics cards. This is why a lot of people are looking at second-hand components. I actually would have done the second-hand route, but I didn’t have a case. I had to start from “this is my mother board I want, this is the case that is compatible.” Now that I have a case and a motherboard, I just have to cross my fingers and hope ten years into the future I can make use of either one of those. My bet is on the casing. Perhaps motherboards will continue the design trend of my case. But, then again, cooling fans are now needed as part of the casing. Maybe in the future we’ll need 10 fans instead of 3 or 4. LOL Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if some retail speculators wouldn’t feel enticed to buy some PC components now to sell them for more later to benefit from this pricing trend.

  • I actually just bought parts for and built a new PC this week after waiting a little while to see how prices were going to fluctuate. I built a PC for gaming, so my situation might be different from yours. I decided to do it now instead of waiting because prices aren’t doing anything but go up, especially when it comes to dedicated graphics cards and SSDs. I bought a high-end graphics card because I predicted that its price would only go up, not down, no matter what kind of sale event is happening, along with all the other graphics cards that aren’t as “powerful.” I DID get some discounts for “back to school” as well as a cashback special from ASUS for my motherboard. Also, I saved a ton of money by buying a motherboard without onboard WIFI or Bluetooth. I just bought adapters which came out cheaper in my case. I encourage you to check up on the latest news about computer components and pricing. I think you’ll notice what I did: prices for certain components are only going to increase in the next few months (and the next year). It’s kind of like when there’s a gas crisis. If you suspect gas prices are only going to increase, you fill up your gas tank every day to save money, even if your gas tank is 3/4 full. I preferred to pay what I did for the graphics card now instead of paying more later. Anyway, I’m just telling you what I’ve done to help you decide how you want to proceed. I’m not telling you that you have to do it this way.

  • Honestly, one day I might get bored and drunk and just post all kinds of awful things all over and violate the guidelines for moderators. I’ll be forcibly removed. This really can happen because I’m not against it and not opposed to getting ripped off my ass and getting fired for a job that isn’t actually a job. Will I miss being a moderator? No. Will I care much? No. Watch me to learn how to be just a moderator and not be some creeper in his mom’s basement with no life aged 35 or something. Who knows? Maybe I’ll get banned as a moderator for saying exactly what I’ve just said because I’ve been so not thinking about the code of conduct or the rules of this community. My whole self value is not invested in this. I’m into other things and have an actual life. I also like to drink booze.

  • I was never a moderator on Reddit or on any other platform and fell into the role here. Quite happily, actually, because when you do it right and delete people’s posts and they ask why because your pithy explanation in the modlog is too pithy and you explain the rules, the poster is grateful at best and at worst is slightly irritated by the rules, whether that be the Code of Conduct or the community rules. The nice thing here I think is that moderators are accountable to rules and the admins. We can’t just subject people to whatever bot or whatever whim or whatever bot we whimsically put out. We actually moderate I thought this little job was going to be irritating. It isn’t. I really like it because we talk to each other. There is a public modlog. I love this! All mod actions I take are accessible to the users. It’s amazing and I love being a moderator here because everything is so transparent. It’s real moderation that is fair and helps the users. I don’t think any moderator on Reddit would ever like it here. I mean, really, every move you make as a moderator is available for the world to see. Reddit does not have this. Probably why it can’t turn a profit. Moderators here are held accountable and I am so glad to be held accountable.

  • I’m glad it’s helpful to you to listen to it. I learned about the cult when family members started acting “funny,” watched some documentaries, probably listened to that podcast, and read up on the phenomenon. Now, over 2 years later, I’m what you might call “over it.” At some point I just accepted the loss of those people and moved on. Everyone’s experience with this is unique because, if you have to eliminate them from your life, it’s like they died, so it’s a grieving process that’s complex because it’s “like they died” but they’re very much still alive. I’ve gone through that and come out the other side. The topic here, about whether or not they are “stupid,” is interesting, but it’s an exercise in navel gazing. If some deranged person who has become absorbed by a cult starts being abusive to you it’s up to you to get out of that situation, hopefully with help from supportive friends and family. At that point, it’s not healthy to stick with them and keep listening to their delusions. These people can be dangerous on rare occasions and I think a few news headlines speak for themselves. To ponder their level of intelligence, to me, does not seem to be productive or practical. It’s interesting as an academic exercise, but it doesn’t add much to people’s every day struggles with this social problem. There’s also the factor of looking at colloquial language for what it is. When I make a mistake, I call myself “stupid.” Am I referring to my IQ? No.

  • Oh, well. I told my Q older sister she was an idiot and I didn’t want to speak to her anymore about two years ago because she devoted herself to insulting me and saying I was going to pay for not following her nonsense about stockpiling I can’t remember what for the reset or something or other. I guess I should have told her she was intelligent but delusional and I didn’t want to speak to her anymore. In the end, I don’t think there’s much of a difference here in the day-to-day business of dealing with Q people who get in your face with this nonsense. They have the potential to be annoying, hurtful, and unwanted in my personal and social life.

  • Yes, but their salary is lower because they have no loans to repay and they don’t bill insurance companies. You see, there are three things missing here that exist in the United States that artificially make the salary higher: 1) universal corporate health care 2) student loans 3) university tuition and fees. My taxes pay for the doctors’ education. When they graduate and get a job, my taxes pay their salary. My taxes also pay for all things related to health care. The result? It’s all cheaper, including doctors’ salaries. I don’t have to pay a dime if I go to the doctor when I have a health problem. It isn’t magic. It makes sense. Remove private corporations from the scene and the cost is lower. Also, make higher education available to everyone who is intellectually capable and the cost is lower. Oh yeah, where I live, you can’t become a doctor just because your mom and dad have lots of money. You have to take a state-approved exam when you graduate from high school. If you score high enough you can study to become a doctor. There’s a cut-off score. And this is why doctors travel from this country to the USA to work. They take advantage of the ridiculously high salary and have no student loan debt to pay back.