• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The reason nobody questions Trump is because there is no question. He is incompetent. Questioning it like questioning if the sky is blue. The only people who don’t know he is incompetent are those who have lost all touch with reality. There is no swaying them because simple things like facts mean nothing to them so what is the point of continuing to shout the same things that every remotionally rational person already knows.

    At least arguing about biden can lead to some actual change as we can see by the fact he isn’t running anymore. We can’t change the republicans but we can make the democrat party better so hopefully they can win.

  • The fact people are more efficient probably doesn’t mean more efficient than working 8 extra hours to them.

    Exactly, for a lot of manufacturing the bottleneck is how quickly machines run. For example right now I work in an electronics plant and our surface mount lines are limited solely by machine runtime. The operator is only there to swap out empty component reels as needed, load stacks of bare boards in ocasionally, and place the rare hand placed component. An especially slow operator can of course slow things down a bit if they can’t do those tasks quickly enough, but it is very rare for the operator to be the bottleneck. There is a direct linear relationship between hours run and quantity of product produced usually regardless of operator efficiency.

    There is no way my employer would ever pay the machine operators the same amount to work less. It is actually in my employers financial best interests to have the machine operators work as much overtime as possible because the amount they pay for benefits is not based on hours worked so even with overtime pay included, the amount they pay per manhour is actually slightly reduced past a certain overtime threshhold.

  • Thank you. I do have enough physical PCIE slots but I’m assuming its going to drop both of them down to x8 instead of x16. My PSU is a 1kw titanium rated one and I’m not going to be stressing to 1070 at all so it should be fine there. Unfortunately no onboard graphics because that would have made things easy. I’m not plannying on doing any fancy graphics setup and I’ll avoid bouncing windows between the screens until I remove the 1070. So here’s hoping it works for now.

  • One group is taught that every time a cop is high it is because a single grain of fentanyl in a perps sweat got to their skin through their gloves and it is definitely not just because that cop did drugs.

    The other group has enough training to know that second hand fentanyl exposure is nearly imposible unless you are actively rubbing your face in it.

    It is not at all uncommon for cops to have straight up hypochondriac panic attacks because of the horror stories they all get told about fentanyl and then insist that the panic attack is OD symptoms and they need narcan.