The average iseaningless here.
I sell a phone for 1 billion dollars. That raises the average price to a million dollars. If you go to any store and grab 100 phones at random, their pricing will not reflect the average.
The average iseaningless here.
I sell a phone for 1 billion dollars. That raises the average price to a million dollars. If you go to any store and grab 100 phones at random, their pricing will not reflect the average.
I highly doubt that they’re the most expensive they’ve ever been. iPhones and flagship phones may well be because the companies that make them know the morons that buy them will pay $1000 for a status symbol, but you can purchase new smartphones for under $200. Considering the original iPhone cost triple that, your claim seems ludicrous.
Yes, it was. A piece that is removable by nature does not seal as well as one that is.
Waterproofing was more difficult with replaceable batteries. It was a feature you paid extra for.
It’s more expensive to waterproof a phone with a removable battery. Yes, there were phones from the 2010s that were waterproof and had removable batteries, but that was a feature you had to pay extra for.
Headline from 2028: Why You phone Dies When It Gets Wet
plans to pursue changes” that would let regular users vote moderators out more easily
I think that’s a good thing in the long run. A lot of reddit moderators are absolutely shit people, and having an actual process to remove them is a good thing.
It should go without saying fuck u/spez and that his motives here are absolutely malicious in nature, but I do see some small good coming from this.
Yup. It wouldn’t surprise me if the product that ships after that trailer is just a choose your own adventure popup book.
Well, it will be one of the best compliments if the game actually looks like that.
If this is a classic tale of trailer footage looking better than the finished game, that dev is going to have egg on his face.
No, but given his previous track record he’ll just release it over and over for the next twenty years, and he might be dying by then.
The switch is basically just a smartphone without a SIM card.