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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • I have a really basic one. Some caveats - I’ve also used Windows my whole life (up until about 2 weeks ago), but I’m comfortable getting into a command prompt and/or powershell to tweak stuff. Also, I had a spare SSD lying around and extra space on my installed HDD.

    Step 0 (arguably the hardest): pick your distro.
    I went with Arch - but if you want something Arch-based but a little less barebones, you might do fine with Manjaro or EndeavourOS. This is totally up to you though (I’m in the process of migrating my wife to openSUSE). “But Gaspar, you crazy old man,” you may ask, “what all is out there?” Well… there’s a lot. Over 600 active distros, if you believe this random-ass tech blog, and countless other hundreds (or thousands) that are old, outdated, no longer supported, or were cooked up by one dude specifically for their own system and will never be uploaded. There are a couple of tools that can help narrow this down, but you’re really just going to have to poke around and see what appeals to you.

    Step 1: Test in a virtual machine first.
    This is optional, but it may help you make up your mind: pick a few different distros and install them in virtual machines, using VirtualBox or something. You can poke around in there and see how things “feel” before you make up your mind, without worrying about messing something up.

    Step 2: Load up a USB stick.
    Ventoy. You don’t HAVE to use this, strictly speaking. You can just get Etcher or Rufus or something, use them to write your chosen distro’s ISO to a USB stick, and install that way. But Ventoy sets up a separate partition on your USB stick where you can grab a bunch of different ISOs and drag-and-drop in there, and load up whichever one you want. Pretty handy.

    Step 3: Go into Disk Management and free up a partition for your chosen distro.
    This is up to your taste (I just installed it into its own whole SSD) but I’d set aside at least 256GB for the OS and the packages you’ll want to install once you get in there. Again, though, YMMV.

    Step 4: Install that sucker!
    OK, now boot into your ISO through the USB stick you prepared earlier and install the sucker on your new partition. Most distros will have you set up a root password and give you the option to create a user. YOU WANT TO DO THIS. You do not want to always access your system as root - that way lies madness (and it’s wildly insecure). You may also get a choice of desktop environments. This is up to your taste but I went with KDE Plasma because I have a Steam Deck (which also runs on a variant of Arch) and I was already used to the interface.

    Step 5: Migration start
    After you’ve gotten set up and a little comfortable poking around (maybe you already figured out how you want to start setting up when you were testing VMs in Step 1 earlier), it’s time to start partitioning. There are a few GUI partition managers you can use - I used KDE Partition Manager, but there’s also Gparted and a few others.

    Once you’re in whichever program you’ve chosen to set up your partitions, you’ll want to proceed in this basic order:

    • Shrink your Windows partition(s) if they are taking up the entire drive, and you have the space to do so (if not, we’ll get to that)
    • Create new Linux partitions in the filesystem of your choice (again, will explain this shortly)
    • Mount both your Windows and Linux partitions and copy from one to the other
    • Once you’re happy that everything’s copied over, delete the Windows partition(s) (unless you’re planning on dual-booting, in which case keep the partition with your Windows install)
    • Finally, extend your new Linux partition(s) to cover the whole drive

    Step 6: Wait what?
    Well, maybe your Windows drive is full, or there isn’t enough space on the new partition to copy everything over. This is why I mentioned the spare SSD. You can plug that in, if you have one, and use it as a placeholder to copy your files to while you reformat your drive and then copy everything back.

    Also - filesystem of your choice? Well, Linux has a few options for partition types: ext4, btrfs, zfs, and a bunch of others. You’ll have to check them out and see which makes the most sense for you. I personally just reformatted everything as btrfs. It may not have been the most efficient choice, but it’s worked out for me so far. The main issue here is the standard Windows NTFS file system. Now - you CAN keep a lot of your data on an NTFS partition, especially if you want to dual boot Windows for a while and get used to things while still having that familiar lifeline (or, like me, if you have some games that still just don’t play well with Linux yet). Here’s the thing, though: thanks to a driver you can download, you can fairly easily get Windows to mount your btrfs partitions (I did it and even still have my drive letter associations). Plus, if you are a heavy Steam gamer, while you CAN get Steam on Linux to read your NTFS partitions… it’s a huge headache, and it isn’t worth it IMO (and, in my experience, I couldn’t get my NTFS partitions to STAY mounted as read/write). Better to just bite the bullet.

    If you are planning on dual-booting, of course your Windows partition will still need to be NTFS. But if you have the disk storage to copy everything over, you can have everything else converted to whatever combination of Linux partitions you want in a few days (took me about 3, but I also had 10-ish TB to copy over and I had to do half of that twice).

    Final Thoughts
    Depending on whichever flavor of Linux you opted for, you may boot into GRUB, which is a bootloader that gives you some pretty neat configuration options - one of those options is the ability to boot into all your existing OS installs, including your Windows installation. Once you get a bit more familiar with Linux you may wish to make your Linux partition the default, secure in the knowledge that whenever you want, you can just hit down a couple of times, then Enter, and boom - you’re in Windows. Just be careful, because Windows recently pushed an update that may have broken this currently. I think it’s a nice touch, though.

    I have rambled on long enough at this point and I’m sure someone else can point out several hundred things I missed - again, I am still a Linux newbie. But the best way to learn this stuff is just to do it, and depending on your comfort level and familiarity with Windows it shouldn’t take you long to get up to speed. Good luck!

  • The “AI” garbage on the horizon finally did it for me. I’ve been using Windows for 30-some-odd years (and DOS before that) and it always had a quirk or two but it mostly just worked, and that was enough for me. Hell, I even jumped on Win 11 when it was still in Insider Preview, just because I wanted the latest. And despite everyone always complaining about 11, for the most part, it did for me as Windows has always done - it just worked, so if it ain’t broke, why fix it?

    Not that I hated Linux, I just always seemed to have an excuse. “Oh, the last time I tried to install it I was stuck at a CLI” sure, almost 20 years ago. “Well, I’m a huge gamer and Linux just doesn’t have the support”, “Man, KDE Plasma on the Steam Deck runs great and looks a lot like a fresh Windows install… ahhh, it’d be such a pain to migrate though.”

    Anyway, I set up Arch on a “dual boot” partition a couple weeks ago I say “dual boot” because I haven’t booted into Windows in a week. Feels good, man. I should have done it sooner.

    I will say though, if any other potential Windows refugees are reading… Migrate your Steam library to an ext4/btrfs/other Linux partition. You can successfully mount your Windows NTFS partitions. You might even be able to get them to mount as read/write. You might even be able to get Steam to read the directories! But it’s not worth the headache, and in my experience it’s a lot easier to get Windows to mount a btrfs partition. My Windows install is the last NTFS partition on my system, and I’ll keep it around for a while in case I run into something that just won’t play nice with Linux, but that’s it.

  • I had a really neat idea about playing a changeling bladesinger who most likely pretended to be elven to learn the art, although I did have a not-quite-RAW idea about the old switched-at-birth changeling myth, where his elven “parents” would have taught him before he slipped up and they realized what he was.

    He was actually three characters in one: a mostly nondescript human “bard”, spinning extremely tall tales about a mysterious elven bladesinger who doled out vigilante justice at night (also the changeling), and the changeling himself, who hated the way people looked at his true form, would only have revealed it to the party if he had no other choice, and really just wanted to be a hero in a group of adventurers, doing the kind of stuff he made up and sang about in taverns.

    I came up with this concept a few years ago, but even before COVID I was kind of my group’s forever DM, so even if I ended up at a gaming table again soon I probably wouldn’t get to play it, so if you like it, feel free to use it. You cannot steal what is gifted!

  • Gaspar@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoGaming@lemmy.worldWell now I'm sad
    5 months ago

    True. I remember one time, though, I’d cleared out Silent Moons Camp and was looting the bodies - I found four or five rings. They couldn’t have ALL stolen them, right? I guess part of the fun is making up your own story. But it made me FEEL something after years of clearing bandit camps (I felt like a monster, but still)

  • Gaspar@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoGaming@lemmy.worldWell now I'm sad
    5 months ago

    One of my favorite small Skyrim mods distributed a wedding ring to random nameless NPCs, most of whom were bandits. Not quite the same, but it still added a little depth to encounters and would usually make me say “oh dammit” when I found one. I wish I could find the damn thing.

  • Forced Feminization is a type of kink wherein a person, typically AMAB, is coerced in some way (physically forced or blackmailed) to adopt feminine behaviors. This typically includes wearing feminine clothing, adopting a feminine tone of voice, taking the bottom role in sex (typically regarded as a “feminine” trait). They are also typically referred to as a girl or woman during this act. Depending on the severity of the kink, it may end with the person becoming convinced that they are feminine and belong that way.

    See also: gender bender, mind break, bimboification

    (No judgement on people who are into this. I tried to present it as neutrally as possible)

    … So if you take the D off of the end of “forced” it becomes “force” and a lot of the Jedi powers are called “Force ______” (e.g. Force Leap for when they do the super jump)