• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Same.

    As someone who uses the actual rss feeds, reading the same feed without interaction is just … a waste of time. Clutter. Annoying even.

    Like you said: I come here for the interaction and/or to find an interesting article someone found in a channel I’m unaware off. Not bot rss feed content.

  • The memes I don’t remember but … I’m old. And…

    Reading this gave me an instant flashback of dropping my old Ericsson on a train and it just … lost all its parts! Man that was 😱

    Yes I had to hunt for: the battery, the battery cover and the SIM card! In those days the latter was bigger than we have now but very expensive.

    To be honest: hot swappable wasn’t all that cool or user friendly at all. You had the dropping issue, the dirt and grime got in the cracks causing it to loose contact. Just like a mouse ball back in the day. All that and … when it was time to change it, never found a replacement and the phone was just outdated anyway.

    Now all those different chargers we had? That was the real nightmare. Man! Very glad that is solved, even with the mess usb-c is.

    I fear this is again one of those rules politician’s make without any knowledge; or they just ignore reality. Per usual.

  • Finally had some time to do this and it is somewhat “easy” … but it depends. For me finding the TOTK rom was the hardest, only because I was to lazy to take it from my switch. I have bought a physical copy, it’s the booting to the tools that is just nerve rekking for me.

    The Egg Ns Sim… site is your friend BUT I did already have a fully working Emudeck install with my own Switch private keys and other things. I have a first gen one, but even so I had to 3d print a thing to short circuit some pins and patiently trying to get it into the special boot modus. I followed some guides on the net, don’t remember exactly which one… only that it was extremely frustrating getting the thing booting correctly. Thinking now I think it was the a guide in the docs of Yuzu I followed.

    In the end: it’s worth it. TOTK runs very smooth for me, even if I want to keep it at 1.0.0 (easy dupe glitch!!) for now with only the 60fps static mod (search gbatemp.net 5.0 post). That said I’m back at the sky tutorial level. it has some issues with fused weapons but overall I get the feeling the game is faster and runs better on the deck. Especially the loading times.

    If only Nintendo came to reality and released ports for other machines. I actually would have bought it in a heartbeat. Even twice.

  • Should have been clearer: traveling would be an added bonus. I don’t travel a lot. Although this might be a good solution: if their is a dock that is small for the switch that does work for al my other devices :)) but like you said the power delivery is often the issue then.

    I sometimes feel like sure with usb-c we have a single connector but it’s all more complicated than now even before we had usb. We had multiple connectors then but not “oh that cable/psu does have the good connector but not the watt or density for fast charging/data or whatever”

    That said: al the different micro usb connectors and usb3 connectors was a nightmare as wel. Af least that is solved now I guess.

  • For me it’s simple: my ISP has crippled the upload to 30mbps making it impossible to host something from my home publically (download is 300mbps or more) but I do selfhost on unraid … it’s just for stuff in my house or for my privately with vpn outside. I run a TON of apps this way… I just don’t need them to be … public they are just for me to use at home mostly.

    That for me is also selfhosting.

    Now that said: I still ask the same question to my isp when they want to upsell me something: and what about the upload? The sales persons mostly don’t know what I mean or how it matters 🤦‍♀️… anyway I’ve been doing this for 20+ years now…… kinda lost hope? But nah not yet 😏 … “hoop doet leven” we tell or selves over here (translates to: hope is live)

  • I’m actually forgetting taking photos all the time, so I doubt my Compendium will ever be filled. The amount of all the items and critters is so overwhelming though, it feels like way to much. Yes I know it suits the world and so on. Maybe it’s the fact that the sorting seems off, and for me the sorting resets at random to …

    IDK what kind of sorting. I think it is just that that is overwhelming for me. It will be beter for me with the paper guide I think. at least I can read up a bit

    I saw a Youtube vid last that “every game is now so content heavy that you need 100h+ to get somewhere” which is fine in a way, but I do not have that much time to play. Sometimes I really miss what it used to be with the older Zelda’s you could play for 1h or maybe 2h and get through a dungeon. Giving a nice feeling of satisfaction and progress: Yes! I have that new weapon now! on to the next!

    Now with all the wearing of weapons, the foraging, the vast world… your lucky you get to your destination in that time. Which is better in this game with the nice cars you can make but still… ( I do not like horse riding ), Teleporting too. but It somehow feels like this game is meant for people with a lot of free time. and maybe those with less anxiety than I have: just the decision to ditch some weapon for another type you found gives me some anxiety. “keuzestress” we call it in Dutch which translate to “choice anxiety” and that is what is littered throughout the game.

    And yet: I still love the game lots. Even if some things really get old very fast: like the guy with the sign. ugh. lol I mean… 🙄 And yes I sometimes ignore him, just like the Koroks.

  • Yeah I know you can top up much with food. But somehow I do not like that mechanic much. It’s better with the recipients book and the automatic picking but still: it does gets old, especially the animation.

    I found the pants to! 😜 And it was enough but I just bought every gear topup I had access to. The time limit the food gives is even worse for me than the cooking itself. I do not respond well to games like that. They spike my already high anxiety and stress levels, in a bad way.

    That is why I find it kinda sad that Nintendo does not cater to both kind of people: those who thrive on this, and those like me who really cannot function with that. I mean: they have a game that allows easily for both styles! Yes I know this sounds contracting but I meant also that it could be an accessibility setting to lower the pricing of gear. if you want that. That way everyone can enjoy the game their way

    For instance I love Control. (Steam) I love the concept, the vibe, the story just everything. Well not as much as TOTK maybe but I digress, what I mean to state is that That game would be impossible for me to play, let alone enjoy, without the excellent accessibility settings. Like kill with 1 shot. It’s so easy to make hooks like that if the developers have eyes for it. Other great undies have them as well. Games that would be impossible for me, I could actually finish now and still have enough fun like “Celeste” the fact that I could finegrade the things like “no dying” but “leave puzzles complex” is so much better than “easy”

    It brings the fun back in games! I really wish more would do this. Still bit sad about “a plague tale” But anyway bit off topic 🤭

    Foraging is idd cool and sometimes I just wander around doing that. I do forget to take pictures, they should have a thing that when you took something it’s in your book. I don’t think it is now?

    It’s just a lot a lot a lot of different items. It’s insane. Like multiple frogs, lizards, fish … I think there a lot more than in BOTW isn’t it? 🤔 Maybe I should see where Links’s house would be at to store some of this. At least some weapons as well. Had to leave some really cool ones behind sometimes for upgrades.

    Well. The game is indeed very huge. I feel like I already got my moneys worth and I am just started with the first temple!


  • Huge indeed, especially with the whole underground and the sky.

    I actually made the mistake of going to Zora’s domain first. Don’t know how to put it in words but it was such a difficulty jump I felt like “omg I’m lost I miss the more linear Zelda” after dying yet again from one blow…

    But now I circled back to Rito village … and well that was easy 😏 I mean I’m still at the temple but the difference is huge. This feels more like “normal” curve wise.

    Thing is I cannot play long sessions and I tend to forget things. And we do get sooooo much info now it’s easy to get sidetracked. But the NPC’s really steer you that way first don’t they? Guess I was just “screw that 🐸 suit I don’t want to do that now” and I went to Zora’s. Lol. Fun fact I still don’t have the frog suit… I just flew … from very far😏

    I really wish Nintendo didn’t patch the glitch. Sure it’s kinda cheating but for me it does kinda iliminate those things I really dislike in the game. Basically the grinding for rupees to afford cold resistant gear and arrows. And off course ingredients to top up hearts.

    Haha it’s basically something I do to counteract the stupid glitches my brain does. Like pushing the wrong button, forgetting to jump or something else like yesterday I stupidly walked off a platform.🤭

    I do find it much more relaxing knowing that those things my brain does not always kill me and I have to redo the same thing over and over again. Less stress = better. Now I can play to relax again. Until the patch goes through but by then I will have enough gear I think. 😉

    As a Zelda fan I have played them all, except maybe those before the original Link To The Past on gameboy. But not all until the end. It depends on how the gameplay was and especially the saving. My brain you know?

    I think portability for me has always been key and the fact that those systems always had “sleep mode” the DS that is and onwards.

    Wind waker on Wii was awesome but torture: you had to remember those tunes … ugh a nightmare for me. It was better on the Wii U, if I remember correctly they added some kind of log to that one. Skyward sword: not a fan either, saving was awkward (on Wii)

    My favorites were mostly those on the game boys or DS/3ds. Like “the minish cap” “phantom hour glass” or “link between worlds” … 🤔 and now off course TOTK. I like it more than BOTW. I really really love the crafting element.


  • Which one? Mario I mean. Odyssee?

    I tried with Luigi’s mansion 3, everything taken from my own switch … but the performance is just not there. Very very low fps which makes the game unplayable :(

    Why that one? Well I wanted to try an AA title and I left my cartridges downstairs. To lazy to run 2 floors to get them so 🤷‍♀️ 😏 (As I rule I almost never buy anything digital from Nintendo)

    I’ve already completed Odyssee but if it runs very well on the deck like you suggest I might replay.

    Did you try TOTK? How good does that run if you compare with the original switch? Guess motion is lost? I do use that so…

    Man! If only Nintendo would release their games on other platforms!! We will buy them. And re-buy them. Oh well. Maybe. Someday.