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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The fuck after you talking about? His knowledge of mma has nothing to do with how well he can compete against other people at his age.

    Your comment comes across as idiotic. Because it effectively says coaches arent worth the job they do because they are almost always people who couldnt or can no longer compete.

    Such a dumb take. Theres plenty of reasons not to listen to Joe, stop making bad arguments to justify your opinions. Especially when your opinion isnt flawed —> He respects it, and that’s great to see, but IMO he’s an example of the alpha male attitude that plagues combat sports.

  • But that scenario does have a flipside, possibly even a silver lining if it was macximized. Makes games a hell of a lot easier for indie devs to close the gap on aspects of production that right now. Decreasing a significant portion of cost/budget that will be to indie devs advantage.

    Which if luck holds, would really hurt the triple A dogshit studios and create a lot more competition that they have consolidated with the big mergers and acquisitions that have happened in recent years.

    Im all for empowering the little guys.

    (For clarity i dont want devs to replace any humans with AI)

  • Kamala should spend term one fighting this and getting it sorted. Term 2 should be okay im going to maximize the use of this(but like NOT in the evil way, just USE it in a way it shouldnt be available to used) like send people to gitmo or something… openly.

    I dont really know how what to do with it, but if they wont come to reason, stop being reasonable. She seems smart and capable enough to do it.

    I wouldnt trust Hilary as president with this, but Kamala seems like a person who could use this to show just how bad this can be abused, but do good with it