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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • 98% of the time when you see a military aircraft, it’s because all the military does when not actively fighting a war is practicing to. We would literally just go up and fly circles around the airfield, practicing a few normal approaches with a touch and go landing, then a few practice aborts, then some combat approaches, then some instrument inly landings. Day, night, good weather, bad weather. Practice flying high, low, pressurized, unpressurized. There’s 500 ways to land each airframe, and every pilot in every unit needs to practice each type dozens of times a year or more to keep their pilot qualifications. And it’s not just the pilots. The hospitals **practice wartime medicine, and the maintenance guys practice their craft in Chem gear. The LEOs pretend there’s an active threat on the base and a thousand other types of exercises. It’s a big part of what our military budget each year goes to, and it’s why, while we have a LOT of issues in our military that need fixing, we don’t have the types of problems you see Russia having with entire units defecting or surrendering, losing aircraft/equipment so frequently, and it’s why so many of us come back alive. The US hasn’t seen personnel losses like Russia has seen in Ukraine since WW2. The price of that is a lot of money and a lot of time spent practicing, even at home.

    Most likely, if the US were going to be attacked, you wouldn’t find out because jets were flying overhead, you’d get an emergency broadcast on your phone telling you to stay in your house or move to a specific shelter site or provide some other type of instructions or you wouldn’t see it coming at all because nobody else did either.

  • I wish I remembered where I read it so I could attribute it, but I saw someone describe Trump not as a liar but as a bullshitter. It’s not that he lies. It’s that he has no regard, one way or another, for whether what he is saying is a lie or not. He simply has a thought and recites it. It’s so effortless for him to lie because, from his perspective, it’s the same as telling the truth. If this is true, the pattern you’ve identified could be merely chance based on the probability that any random thought a person has is more likely to be wrong than right when they are incapable of learning new information.

    I didn’t feel like I was doing it justice, so I found the sauce…from fucking 2015. https://newrepublic.com/article/124803/donald-trump-not-liar