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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Good analysis. But I have to disagree on number 5. IMO, Trump and his cadre won’t be able to do a facist takeover, for precisely the reason you listed - Jan 6. That was their moment, the time for all the shittalkers to get off social media and do something, the high water mark. Aaaand what did they accomplish? They freaked out a bunch of Congresspeople, put some cops in the hospital, did some light property damage, and went home. Promptly leading to, if not a crackdown, than an investigation of everyone involved.

    I dunno man, I don’t see any future that involves them doing anything more than some scattered violence against ‘woke’ targets, which will only hurt them in the long run due to the reactions against it. There just…aren’t enough of them to do anything.

    Completely my opinion, of course.

  • It strikes me that this could be quite useful when used proactively.

    E.g. - Player Character Byrnwolf just got a crit on the Bandit Lord with his Greataxe. Queue the GM: “How comfortable would everybody be with a description of Byrnwolf splitting this guy in half?” All the players tap red, yellow, or green in response, and the GM can moderate from there.

    It would be good at providing ongoing feedback for the GM to guide their style over time.

  • I love the idea of the danger just being…plants. Invasive species? Although it’s really the humans that are invasive. Sure, there’s a BBEG to defeat, but the problem is much more n existential one of, “The climate is changing and we’ll lose our home and livelihoods” rather than, ‘evil monster over there’.

  • Are we talking brown bears or black bears?

    Brown bears are violently territorial and will attack you for being in eyeshot.

    Black bears are basically giant racoons and will move away from people - especially if you’re making loud noises and making yourself look big - because they don’t want that smoke. They’ll only get aggressive if you surprise them or get anywhere near their younglings.

    I’d probably take a black bear over a lot of dudes. As long as we got a good hundred feet or so of distance, Mr Bear and I ain’t gonna bother each other.

  • Mass Effect 2 and 3 are up there with some of the best shooters I’ve played. It’s just so smooth. And the weight/CDR system is incredibly simple yet impactful. I’ve played through 3 several times. Yes, the story beats weren’t always great. Still fun.

    EDIT: Since we’re posting favorite builds: Sentinel gang. What’s that, I have access to literally everything you need to beat any enemy? Yes please.