Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat,

Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat,

Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat,

Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I was trying to be funny and use some hyperbole. I guess I failed, as I so often do. Sometimes exaggerations can help to illustrate a point, and I admit I’ve gotten so used to seeing people on here talk about how voting for dems in 2024 is foolish if you’re a leftist that I just automatically lumped you in with them. I apologize for that.

    I don’t consider myself a particularly virtuous person, if we go by the dictionary definition. I didn’t intend to claim that my actions made me virtuous. The subjective nature of morality would make that rather pointless, anyhow. My discussion of virtue signaling in this case was more about acknowledging that on some level most people engage in performative acts meant to ingratiate themselves to their preferred social group.

    I’ve got nothing to prove here, and I think I’ve made my point as much as I can before we both just start repeating ourselves; That strategy extends beyond the voting booth. I’m going to continue to do what I can in public digital spaces to keep people excited to vote and prevent a second Trump presidency, even if that means I have to tone down my online critique of democrats for a few months. I will continue to critique them in spaces where I can be sure that said critique doesn’t chill voter turnout, though.

    I’ve had a good time discussing this stuff with you, thank you for the interesting conversation, and sorry if I came off as a jerk! I’m going to try to get off of social media for the night, but I’ll probably be on again tomorrow or later in the week if you want to continue to discuss/debate how online discourse can shape elections!

    I hope you get a chance to see BR sometime soon, too! Always a pleasure to find another fan online!

  • We’ll have to agree to disagree. In this instance I think anti-dem chatter on lemmy is more likely to chill youth turnout than it is to push the Democratic party leftward. I would prefer you didn’t assume me to be a liberal, if that was meant to be an insinuation. We leftists do an awful lot of fighting and virtue signaling within our in-group and I am now and have been guilty of it myself… plenty.

    For what it’s worth, my vote in US “democracy” is and always has been a function of strategy. My life, on the other hand, is and has been dedicated to radicalizing myself and as many people as possible through dialectic, praxis, and building / maintaining / participating in alternative living systems within the US. You can dig into my post history if you’re curious. I don’t want to virtue signal at you.

    Fantastic song! I really enjoyed Age Of Unreason as a whole.

    Unfortunately, they’ve cancelled all dates for this current tour, citing “unforeseen family circumstances.” I’m really hoping that this isn’t something band-ending. I’ve been afraid of them calling it quits for years now, and I want to see them live again. I’ve taken every opportunity (when I had the financial ability). That’s only been 2004 and 2016 (with Against Me!, great show), plus seeing Greg do his solo thing in 2017 when he toured for the release of Millport.

  • No one. I just thought it was a fun story. If you’d like I can add a part where the left-hand-raiser fearmongers to the abstainers about how awful it is to be kicked in the genitals, though.

    Ranting about the awfulness of the democratic party during a contentious election cycle, on a post about third party options, and with so much on the line for marginalized folx… It just seems like a poor strategy to me. The work is in the streets, not in virtue signaling your leftist moral superiority on Lemmy. For now I’m choosing to feign unity and enthusiasm until such time as I can drop the facade and continue with whatever praxis I can muster.

    What do I know, though. I definitely don’t have The Answer.

  • “Okay kids, today we’re going to take a vote! Raise your left hand if you want everyone to be kicked in the genitals. Raise your right hand if you’d like everyone to be irreversibly sterilized! You can also choose to abstain from voting by not raising either hand.”

    Two out of the five kids present raise their right hand. One out of the five kids present raises their left hand. Two of the kids abstain.

    As the children are being taken to the sterilization room the kid who raised their left hand turns to the two kids who abstained and asks “Why didn’t you vote!? Now we’re all going to be sterilized!”

    One of the two replies, “Well neither of us wanted to be kicked in the genitals!”

  • Did anyone actually read the whole article? These comments sorta read like the answer is no.

    The researchers say that their findings prove no active collaboration between TikTok and far-right parties like the AfD but that the platform’s structure gives bad actors an opportunity to flourish. “TikTok’s built-in features such as the ‘Others Searched For’ suggestions provides a poorly moderated space where the far-right, especially the AfD, is able to take advantage,” Miazia Schüler, a researcher with AI Forensics, tells WIRED.

    A better headline might have been “TikTok algorithm gamed by far-right AfD party in Germany”, but I doubt that would drive as many clicks.

    For more info, check out this article: Germany’s AfD on TikTok: The political battle for the youth