Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places, if you look at it right

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • In the west we say Putin, like he’s some sorta boogieman. In the US our politicians are essentially puppets with some corporation’s hand up their ass. Yes, Putin has been in power for years; that doesn’t mean he isn’t in power because he keeps the oligarch’s money flowing. The second the money flow comes into question, someone falls from a window.

    Now I’m not saying Putin isn’t the one ordering the hits - he could be and also potentially couldn’t be. What I am saying is that there are often multiple versions of the truth and/or layers to that truth.

    I think Zelenskyy is right, don’t make deals with the devil. But there’s a 100% certainty that this isn’t only “Putin’s War” and there are more players, potentially those with their hand deep in Putin’s ass, pulling his puppet-strings

  • If he was giving it all back, the story would start with words “former billionaire.”

    I also don’t understand this constant probing of the people when it comes time to provide assistance. I pay my taxes, that’s my contribution to social programs. When there’s a natural disaster or issue don’t put a bunch of celebrities on TV asking for slightly less poor people to donate. I want the government to step in and help out. Billionaires should not exist unless everyone has a safe place to sleep at night and warm meals to eat during the day. Considering that’s not the case, that’s how you know capitalism isn’t the best system

  • I like these games. I do. But at the same time I don’t. They’re repetitive in the gameplay and it gets stale to the point where I never finish them.

    Along with the Assassins Creed series, they have sucked me in and don’t deliver enough to maintain my business, yet a couple of months after a release when I see them go on sale the end up in my collection.

    I’m hoping this news will end in an awesome game that I’m obviously going to buy and that I will actually finish, for once

  • $50 for a current game is a shitty value. And no matter how much I love RDR, it’s a shittier value for a 13 year old game.

    Maybe its me but I’m tired of games from the PS3/360 era still being sold as new today. Make new games! Or, build online worlds that live and breathe for decades and make the “games” exist in that same space.

    How many times have you beat a game and thought, well if there were just more missions, this would continue being fun. I personally would opt for that versus remastered games. In theory the process of porting could have been avoided by just importing the dialogue and overlaying it on top of RDR2 so that the two games are literally merged together.