• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I gave my son a copy of the Choose Your Own Adventure about the UFOs for Christmas a couple years ago. It’s the one with the impossible ending. The only way to get the good ending is to cheat and flip to it.

    I also wrote a hidden message in the picture in the hidden ending. He still hasn’t found it.

  • Machinist@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldA Different Way of Being a Man
    10 days ago

    Ehh. There is a particular sickness among white men. It’s a failure of masculinity. It’s also a failure by the Left.

    Men are screeched at about toxic masculinity, especially young men. Many societal ills are blamed on white men, (hell, I blame them, rightfully so).

    The Right welcomes them with open arms, tells them it’s a liberal conspiracy. It fills their heads with empty hate and silly alpha/beta crap.

    The Left says not much in the way of what positive masculinity should look like.

    Men experience heightened levels of anger, aggression, mature later, poor impulse control. This is a natural part of having a male hormonal system. Without a good support system and role models, this can lead to ugly places for young men. When it’s young white men, the Right scoops them up.

    The men that look like me, talk like me, have interests like me almost always have abhorrent political beliefs and are full of conspiracy theories. I’m a redneck and often hate my own people. It’s like the self hating Jews or black folks you hear about.

    Positive white masculinity is absolutely in crisis in America. I don’t know what the answer is, but it is absolutely a problem that affects all genders, orientations, and minorities. It’s a problem because white men hold so much power and will continue to have that power for a long time.

    The Right has won the hearts and minds of many white men. The Left needs to pull its head out of its ass and figure out a strategy to win back at least some of these men. It needs to help young white men grow into manhood in a positive way.

  • I did it with a raspberry pi 4 and direct installs. If I had it to do over again, I would have a more powerful small server and use docker inages. There are a lot of docker guides out there but I don’t have experience with it yet.

    I had to do a bunch of complicated stuff like mounting my remote storage and such. I’ve been playing with Linux a long time. If you’re not experienced with Linux, I’d do docker.

    You start getting setup with Usenet, gimme a holler and I’ll send you a drunken slug invite. It’s the best indexer I’ve found, and I think I’ve let all my other indexers lapse.

    Do a bunch of reading before you start, before you purchase anything.

  • Went to highschool in an Alabama school. Football is a religion, and the football coaches were given the respect of preachers. They were also given cushy teaching jobs like health or drivers ed. They were generally not very bright.

    The school might be run down and underfunded, but the football field was immaculate with huge bleachers, the locker rooms were nice.

    In contrast, I had one coach teacher that taught history. Baseball coach. He taught me to love history. His tests were almost all long answer, didn’t care about dates. He wanted you demonstrate understanding of the causes and results of events. Brilliant man with deep knowledge and love of his subject.

    Got tired of the two week long headaches and quit football, switched to cross country even though I wasn’t built for it. Forget the term, but my body type is large muscles and bones.

    Had a cross country coach. He didn’t care if you won races or were able to be very competitive. He just expected you to do your best and would push the hell out of you. I saw him take lots of fat little freshman and turned them into lean endurance machines over several years. Don’t remember anyone ever quitting the team. I will always remember him leaning out the window of his 60’s pickup yelling at kids to push through and push harder. He was poor, shitty salary, tires on his truck were bald and leaky, he had screws in them he couldn’t remove cause they would go flat.

    Those two men earned the title of Coach in my life.

  • Yeah. I have no clue how the path out of it works.

    Lots of disenfranchised young men full of anger and drives, piss and vinegar, see negative messaging for liking the stereotypical things that young straight men like on one side. On the other side they’re welcomed with open arms and then drip fed poison while reinforcing their identity.

    Here on Lemmy if you talk about hunting, meat eating, etc.; people get all riled up. Think I have at least one troll following me and down voting every post.

    The left is failing young men and driving them into the open arms of fascism.

    I have no clue what can be done about it.

  • Yup. You get it. The solution is simple, with one exception. Simple doesn’t mean easy.

    We need socialized healthcare including mental healthcare. That would do a lot, there are almost always signs that a non-gang mass shooter is mentally unwell.

    Gang and crime based mass shootings would fall through the floor if we removed the incentive for them, prohibition of drugs. Addiction should be treated as a health problem.

    We need to identify these sources of hateful propaganda, the nests of poisonous ideology and root them out through education. We aren’t teaching critical thinking, I think that also has a lot to do with it.

    You also have many young men that lack good role models for positive masculinity. This is a big thing I’m not sure how to fix. Toxic masculinity has become so pervasive and has infected almost every straight man that can be considered macho. I’m a very masculine man, and proud of it. My zippo says Daddy. My straw hat also has a pride/equality pin next to a Ruger pin. The number of men that I meet like myself is quite low. Met a very macho trans man once that I found had a similar worldview. Have met similar men in the gay leather communities but they tend to cluster in large cities and form insular communities for their own safety.

  • Respect is a big part of it. Another problem is that they aren’t seen as actual tools. They’re probably more often a male enhancement device than a tool.

    They should be viewed as a tool for the production of meat, for the efficient removal of varmints. In the worst case they are a tool for the defense of self or others. That worst case scenario is actually very rare.

    Tools and toys can be interchangeable. However: some pretty strict laws govern the use of toys like sports cars.

    My shooting tools are mostly polymer stocked or gripped. Plain, cheapest base model I can get. Then I take them apart and work on the mechanisms to make them mine. I don’t have a lot of them, just have a few for my particular use cases.

    I really like them. I get pleasure from using my tools. I also really like my lathe and my daily driver small truck. I’ve also taken them apart and worked on them.

    I think this attitude should be required if one is going to own and be responsible for such a dangerous tool. There should be an interview process or something to weed out dumb fucks and the mentally unstable. After all, the militia was supposed to be well regulated. It’s not particularly complicated.

  • Yeah, it’s sick. I’ve always been amazed by how many people actually believe the company line and feel intense loyalty.

    Once worked at a place that required everyone to show up 1.5 hours early to watch a video from the CEO cheerleading about “rationalizing” plants. Rationalizing was code for layoffs. Then they gave us buttons to wear about it. I tossed the first one in the urinal, real proud that there was a pile of them at the end of the day.

    I think it’s normal and human to appreciate hard work and dedication. That drive makes us survive. Then it gets used as bait, the hook goes in, and people misplace that drive onto something inhuman. I guess it’s a successful strategy if you’re a no soul snake.

  • So do you think the former president, Donald J. Trump, actually fucked his daughter, Ivanka Trump? She was the actual first lady, and such, after all.

    Donald J. Trump spent a lot of time with the known pedophile and child rapist Epstein. Wonder how many children he’s actually raped? Did Donald J. Trump actually rape his own daughter or did he just want to?

  • Angel of death and the firstborn unless you put blood over your door. It’s twisted stuff.

    I’m proud of my heritage as well, but there’s some bad religion in there.

    I have very little actual experience with Jewish things and culture. Y’all seem to be nice people, mostly. I’ve never understood the hate.