• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yeah, she’s in the fucking army dude. She also is assigned a very important detail and has her own career to think about. If she chose to press charges I’m sure every MAGAt in her chain of command would try their best to fuck her over. The military is just as political as any other part of the government which makes this seem like self preservation on her part.

    Remember, friend, no one in this world gives a fuck about you, as much as you do.

    ETA: Dr. Bob has pointed out that she is a civilian employee and not a soldier. I’m sure she has to deal with similar political machinations as the service members she works with but still an important distinction.

  • I started Fallout London and I’ve only played enough to start aiding the Vagabonds fending off another faction call Isle of Dogs at some bar called the Swan and Miter I think? The game seems more deadly than Vanilla Fallout 4 but that might just be because I haven’t found a Doctor yet after my recent debilitating train crash.

    I’m enjoying the game but it was a bitch to get running in a playable state. Buffout 4, and HighFPS Fix with some .ini tweaks are both mandatory mods IMO. I was going crazy at first with, no shit, 5 minute load screens. Now they are down to less than a minute which is still an eternity in the year of our Lord 2024, but I’m too lazy to reinstall on my small SSD to get it even faster, so I’ll just deal.