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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Shit like this is why I switched to a third party app a while ago. I used to have the official app on my phone because iOS and everything I remembered seeing as far as 3PAs went was all for Android before I heard of Apollo. But the fact that I was seeing “posts” like this every three-or-so posts, and the fact that they were all over the comments as well was just way too much.

    It’s exactly why I will not go back. I have like three niche subreddits saved that have no real equivalent in the Fediverse and I’ll only check in on occasion. Through Old.Reddit. With a browser that has an ad blocker built in.

  • I had wanted a Deck for a long while and finally used this sale as my excuse to go for one. I figure it’ll be nice for being able to play games while lying in bed or on the couch since I spend enough time sitting at a desk most days for work and don’t really want to spend the evening also sitting ay a desk. Also arrived at the perfect time yesterday, so I was able to change out the SSD and get everything reinstalled before a leg surgery today that 100% means I won’t be able to comfortably sit at my computer for the next two weeks at least.

  • Reddit gets to hold these up as examples of reasonable developers who were willing to work with Reddit, unlike those crying babies that are closing their apps.

    This deserves to be repeated. Like… I get why one would want to not let their project die, but we all know this is exactly what’s going to happen. These few who remain will funnel a ton of money into Reddit’s pocket for a worse experience all so that they can be used to further slander the devs of the 3PAs who were forced out from the API changes. In a couple months when the last few 3PAs inevitably go under, I don’t know if a single tear will be shed because the writing on the wall is so obvious.

  • I’m conflicted on it. I want one, but I’m not sure exactly how much I’d use it. I have a PC that I built a few years back, but at this point I spend so much time sitting inmost a desk in front of the same screens that I feel like I’d be more likely to play stuff if I could do it on a handheld while laying on the couch or something. But also I don’t want to spend the money on it only to find out I’m wrong about that….

  • My girlfriend and I have a recipe box that we write out recipe cards for any meals we like enough to want to make more in the future. On the weekends, we decide which ones we want for the week and do the grocery shopping accordingly for the week. Every week also consists of some amount of food prep for lunches to take into work so that can be in the fridge so we can be ahead of the game a little bit at least.

  • I’ve only gotten through three episodes so far, but it’s doing pretty well so far.

    Honestly, I think my favorite so far is Joan is Awful. Just the right level of sci-fi, and it’s the only one that I didn’t see the big twist coming way beforehand.

    Loch Henry is good, but I always feel like the non-futuristic-technology episodes have their own club in the corner of my mind that just… feel almost out of place. Not saying they’re bad, but I definitely feel like they’re at a disadvantage for me.