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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • I just read an article that said both Kamala and Trump are keen on helping out. You know, with the indiscriminate murder of thousands of children.

    I gotta say this is really dragging US’s public image through sewage. People weren’t too keen on the US’s foreign policy after that Afghanistan withdrawal, but basically delivering a country and millions of dollars of military equipment to a terrorist group on a silver platter doesn’t even come close to literally helping out murdering children and paying for it.

    I sure hope the US government comes to their senses at some point in time, preferably soon and stops this for the literal sake of children. At this point what choice is even there for American people.

  • Yeah i didn’t necessarily mean our DNA, more like our internal fauna, in particular our gut fauna, which has tremendous implications over how our body functions, influencing our brains, metabolism and immune system.

    If bacteria are changing and our bodies are about a one to one ratio of human cell to bacteria cells according to recent studies, it follows that bacteria changing does not preclude us from changing as well, since not only are bacteria a part of us, we fundamentally depend on bacteria to be alive. We cannot ever be separated from the evolution of bacteria.

    So while our own DNA will not change significantly in such a timescale, that doesn’t mean our internal metabolism processes will not change somehow, i would wager. Not only us, but all the animals around us that we eat and live with as well. It’s interesting to think, for instance, of vitamins we don’t produce but still need and we take from bacteria living inside us. I wonder if similar bacteria would, for instance, evolve to decompose plastics in our bodies or such like.

  • I honestly can’t understand that. Discussion boards are where opposing views come to clash. That’s what creates meaningful dialogue. I am politically centrist and i find myself sometimes agreeing and disagreeing with the left and the right. What these people mean about “right wing hives” is forums where conservative opinions exist.

    If we’re just creating spaces that share only one political ideology, where we ban everyone disagreeing, how can we ever learn from each other ? What value is there in spaces where opinions are homogeneous and we only see people shouting opinions over the wall to the other group ? It’s just a circlejerk at that point, and i have nothing against circlejerk per se, it’s just that politics is very ill fitting for such types of forums.

    Since the times of Greek democracies and republics, disagreement and factionalism has been a part of growth for political discourse. I believe we shouldn’t shy away from that at all.

  • Mods absolutely made reddit unusable for me. I mainly lurk in the news subreddits and they’re all the same. I got perma banned and instantly muted on some news subreddit i don’t really recall for saying an article’s title was clickbait. I got perma banned on worldnews and news for different instances of criticizing Israel.

    I even tried using the platform to do other non politics things, like commenting on those am i wrong type of subreddits and got perma banned for not being supportive. Got banned in about half a dozen, despite never being there, for commenting on other subreddits.

    I honestly cannot understand how people use the site without being permabanned nearly everywhere. You don’t even need to be combative. They use permaban for literally any minor infringement or disagreement that turns up and then mute you if you try to discuss it. It’s so frustrating. Thank goodness for Lemmy. There’s a lot of weird propaganda here, but at least you’re not permabanned.

    Everywhere little by little is becoming like this. Youtube keyword snipes your comment and never tells you anything about it. It’s hard to find places to discuss the hard subjects now. Everything is for the advertisers.

  • They say Hamas are terrorists because they attack innocent civilians and that may be true, but it seems that by the same metric, aren’t the IDF also terrorists for attacking innocent civilians in clearly marked vehicles ?

    Verily i say more, If we go by how much civilian infrastructure and casualties have been committed, one side is clearly acting more strongly within the definition of terrorist than the other.

  • Forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean you’re cool with it and you’re ok now. In buddhism it is taught that suffering caused by someone creates a debt. You owe the people who made you suffer a restitution for that debt. So in essence, you owe justice or suffering to the killer. But so long as you are trying to collect on that debt, you are suffering the whole time. To forgive is to let go of that debt. You’re not ok with it, you just let yourself stop suffering for that collection (though the suffering of the person missing still remains).

    I think this is what she meant. She managed to let go of collecting that debt faster for the actual murder than the disrespect of the police officers. Maybe because of the position of authority of the police or the circumstances of the murder.

  • Modern sewage water treatment plants to process sewage before it is returned to water courses and more funding to policing and auditing industrial facilities operating near bodies of water would probably go a long way in mitigating this.

    We have the tech and skilled personnel to do it. It’s just that unless pressure is applied, many politicians will flaunt environmental regulations to fix their budgets. Some companies go years dumping into the river before a tip or report finally comes in and they’re investigated.

  • Yeah maybe it started out that way for sure, but after so much death people on both sides are starting to consider other options. You can see that in Israel right now, people who are rejecting this narrative of either us or them. Maybe the crazies will always think this way, but over time people will be willing to make concessions. After all what good is it to rule a pile of rubble constantly under attack ?

    A half promised land at peace is better than an entire promised land constantly in war economy. It’s not only quality of life we’re talking about. The entirety of the Jewish people is being blemished and shamed by the current actions of Israel.