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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • I as well use a Anker powerconf camera and it’s fantastic… But you will need a windows machine if you want to modify firmware settings on it as their control app runs in windows. It does seem that once you modify those settings they are persistent within the hardware itself though and once you move it back to the Linux machine it should all be preserved.

    Of course it’s possible someone has already closed that gap out already or maybe the app runs in wine.

  • Beautiful! Yeap that’s a very clean parallel and also extremely important in that field as well.

    Since this has turned into a lovely exchange I want to offer one more point for your consideration.

    Where the outcome of marketing data typically intends to position a product or service in to it’s most profitable position, and the quality of the data produced can be somewhat validated by future sales/market share/market depth/etc.

    Polls like the one we are discussing aren’t constrained in the same manner and may be maliciously and purposefully designed to generate biased data. Humans are inherently vulnerable to hostile psychological manipulations. If this poll specifically isn’t just an outright scam intended to get its recipient to click on some link that load a payload of malware, it is certainly designed to purposefully create skewed empirical data.

    Not everyone, but certainly a small minority of people who may have not necessarily felt certain about where they stood either direction could look at the results of a poll like this and might find a tinge of doubt in the back of their heads. This sort of tactic hopes that a person will feel a paranoia that everyone else seems to know something significant that they don’t and drive social anxieties up. Again, not always, but also not uncommonly, we can find ourself doubting even deeply felt personal resolve on a topic or position if it feels like the vast majority of people disagree with us. This sort of cognitive bias warfare isn’t intended to immediately flip a persons perspective, but rather it’s designed to soften a persons resolve and introduce enough doubt that they may become susceptible to being flipped later. It’s why we need to embrace healthy skepticism and be willing to be more stoic with how we consume numbers others prepped for us.

    Much love friend, have a great day/evening!

  • Happy to help, sorry rushed a little bit to finish the last reply. Effectively the point the original replier was trying to make is that the data set is polluted with bad data because the collection method is just terrible. So back to the analogy I started setting up earlier. If the goal is to get everyone food, you technically win… Job done… Good job. Food will arrive, some people will get the chicken they specifically requested, and maybe a few people who actually wanted hamburgers will be happy too…

    But if the goal is to know what your coworkers actually wanted to eat and get it for them, then the only orders you will certainly get right would be for the people who actually wanted chicken, had the opportunity to reply, and took time out of their day to confirm there order. But you will also have people who maybe aren’t that keen on chicken but ordered it because they really didn’t want a hamburger.

    Everyone else will now get a hamburger… That includes people who actually wanted hamburgers, people who didn’t have a preference, people with a preference but it’s something other than chicken or hamburgers, people who actually wanted chicken but didn’t get their order in on time, people who brought there lunch and planned on eating it instead, people who thought the message you sent was a scam and didn’t reply but would have said chicken if they had known it was actually legit, people who told you in person they wanted chicken and didn’t realise they still needed to email you, people you sent the email to but were actually on vacation or working from remote that day, etc. All of them, hamburgers… How exciting… LOOK HOW POPULAR HAMBURGERS ARE EVERYONE! I can’t believe hamburgers beat chicken! Can you believe that 67.3% of our office is such fans of hamburgers?!

    Basically the results of a poll constructed like in the original post would be utterly trash, because the method being used is horseshit and not how any serious poller would/should ever conduct a poll.

  • It pollutes the senders data set because its entirely fallacious to assume that the only reason why some one would choose not to assert their opinion is only because they hold a specific opinion. The resulting data would be inherently skewed towards a particular result.

    Imagine you are taking orders for lunch for an office of coworkers and you were just told people that you are going l to order a hamburger for anyone who doesn’t explicitly say they wanted chicken and gave them a limited time to respond. You are very likely going to find some angry coworkers who wanted chicken but were stuck in a meeting. You will likely have a small population of people who realized it was Tuesday and had been really looking forward to tacos. And certainly, the vegetarians in the office are going to try to sabotage you professionally for awhile.

  • No dude… Nothing like that… Israel has made plenty of mistakes, especially in the past, and this is an extremely complex issue.

    To answer your first question in terms of casualty counts. The very first thing is that casualty counts are very commonly over/under inflated, especially during times of conflict. There are many reasons you may want to over inflate or deflate your numbers. But honestly it is really difficult to take casualty rates at face value. Let’s say we take it for what it is and its skewed. Now we run straight into a philosophical conundrum that is probably much to big to effectively argue through on the internet.

    Your philosophical position on about a dozen or so moralistic arguments are going to shape your ultimate decision on where you stand in terms of casualty imbalances.

    So I will skip all that and give you some of the things that I believe would bring me to your side.

    1. If HAMAS releases all of the remaining hostages and surrenders their leadership to stand trial in a neutral international court, and Israel continues to pursue it’s offensive operations.
    2. If Israel remains present in gaza following the restoration of peace.

  • I have no clue what you are defending.

    Also that’s the silliest shit I’ve ever heard. A tamir interceptor is designed for the interception of rockets, artillery, and mortars. Just consider what the design of a rocket with such a task specific purpose would need to be designed to do. Think about how it would move, how it would sound, what the warhead is designed to do.

    Really think this through please. Because most people here in Lemmy thought the rocket that hit the hospital (which ended up actually being the parking lot) and killed those 900 people (which actually ended up being ~300) was a US JDAM.

    You actually believe that a low yield… Maybe 20lb NEW warhead designed for shrapnel dispersal fired at the sky and then malfunctioning and falling back to the ground… Would have the same devastation, velocity, and angle of attack as a missile people reasonably, but still mistakeningly thought was a 500lb NEW Air to Surface JDAM.

    You could literally just use your own eyes and go look for videos of what it looks like for the tamir to explode in the air and compare that to the massive incendiary fireball that came from the HAMAS rocket and you would immediately know how insane that theory is.

    And then I hope you walk away from that with just a little bit of skepticism and shame because you are guzzling the Kool aid bud.

  • For what it is worth, today Netanyahu is exceptionally unpopular among more secular Israelis.

    Additionally Lehi, is only one example of Israelis organizations that have committed terroristic atrocities against Palestine over the years. The Kach, and later Kahane Chai are examples of Israeli terrorist organizations with similar objectives as well… At least they were, until the Biden administration decided to remove their terrorist designation last year. The Jewish Defense League which committed attacks against Americans in the 80’s is another.

    Plenty of awful in the world to go around…

  • I provided data specifically to that point to allow anyone to read further… Looks like you skipped that step. You also skipped over the fact that I was specifically talking about the Palestinian leadership of that era, which I purposefully and intentionally differentiate from the Palestinian population as a whole. Most of the general population of Israelis and Palestinians are sick of the conflicts their leadership continuously escalate and in general, both sides would prefer to seek long term peace.

    You claim that I’m framing with our context… but it would appear you completely skipped the context provided and reframed critical components of the data that was provided to fit your own bias.