Notepad collector

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Peruvia@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlGetting Over a Breakup
    1 year ago

    Again, I’m sorry you have to deal with a lot right now, I wish I could help you. I forgot to add in my original comment to do “the list”. Add to it little by little over time some aspects that stuck with you from the former relationship(if it is not too painful). This is a tool to use for self reflection and to not idealise the former partner(s), it’s useful when I think about reaching out.

    For me it’s easier in a way, the relationship that ended sucked, but my mind often recalls what I wanted it to be instead of what it was. Recalling and seeing what went down is crucial for me, because it lets me know how I acted in certain situations and allows me to take responsibility for my actions(and if I don’t like them, to see their root and try to look at it with compassion and patience instead of shame and frustration-still a work in progress for me right now).

    While looking forward is scary, there is always something waiting. I thought I would never be worthy of peace or acceotance after I ended a previous relationship, and then the last one happened, which was good when it started. Give yourself time and care, to grieve and recharge. Breakups are exhausting. (Sorry for the long post) I’m rooting for you, and please don’t hesitate to reach out whenever you can, I’m looking forward to an update.

  • Peruvia@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlGetting Over a Breakup
    1 year ago

    I’m very sorry you’re going through this. Someone broke things off with me and it still hurts, even if it has been a while. The first month was the hardest, then it gets easier bit by bit. What helped me was keeping busy with work, I had a lot going on to keep me distracted. I tried to do things that I didn’t do before, or that I wanted to try and never got the chance to do, or stopped doing when I got in the relationship. I found it important to try to enjoy my solitude, but that takes time. Go places, even if it’s very near you. I delved into my hobbies to keep my mind off of it. If you can, try to process things bit by bit, just don’t try to escape your feelings in the long run, that fucked me over(It’s been a while since I avoided processing my former relationship so yea).

  • I’m from eastern europe too, I feel like I almost died from the august 2020 heat, this year I couldn’t belive my eyes seeing 37°C on the weather app last week(and continues to rise). The hail mary was fans for me, but air conditioning is something that will get harder to live without as years roll by and the temperature increases. I know I’m not the intended audience, but what worked for me was spending more time in rooms where the sun doesn’t hit as much(for me it’s the bathroom), standing near walls(I noticed they don’t catch a lot of heat and they are not too cold to lean on), every few hours try to splash some water on your face and neck and maybe(I don’t know if this works, didn’t try it) towels that are wet and were left a bit in the fridge(I’d avise much caution with temperature change to avoid termic shock, for the towel too not be too cold and the body too warm). Hydrate and avoid going outside mid day as much as possible. Summer gets easier when you work in an air conditioned office, but until then, good luck and drink water.

  • People get used to things they understand so they don’t want to learn. Frustration builds as you get older, so I am glad I started a long time ago, and I have a lot of respect for people who are willing to learn constantly and are patient. I learn(ed) from trial and error, I like poking the bear and being able to see what works/doesn’t and why. The responses I got regarding lack of linux usage is that people don’t like spending time troubleshooting, or they get super jaded and just want something that works then and there, just so they don’t think too much about it. But now the irony is that windows will piss them off so much they will have no choice but to learn the distro they choose. It’s like vim, at first it seems strange, but once you learn it you will never look back. Learning is done as long as there is curiosity and need involved.

  • When you add your google account on your phone, it tracks every app you use, with a timestamp.(you can turn it off, but it’s more of a formality,they still track you) It can track your location, video and audio recordings of you as well.

    I randomly found this out today, I feel like an incompetent idiot. I wasn’t aware of it, and I found data recordings dating back years, including calls made from maps and general areas seen on maps , calendar inputs not synced to google calendar.I might make a separate, more detailed post about this, I just don’t know on what instance to post it.

  • Thank you for your advice. I don’t plan on sleeping less. I don’t desire to sleep less, quite the contrary. I know the obvious solution is to plan, however sometimes it gets out of hand. I don’t see lack of sleep as a solution or a fix, I’m well aware of that. I’m talking about times when sleeping/proper rest isn’t achievable. Also cocaine costs money, impending doom and feelings of inadequacy are free and so potent.

  • Went on a trip a while back with a relative, here are some of the things that they belived/behaved like(sorry for the long text):Needless gossiping and thinking that other people’s achivements threaten your credibility. Anger/apathy/being dismissive as default, snarky useless remarks, belittling other people any chance possible, trying to seem superior through “presenting intelectual”, playing “the devil’s advocate” just to look edgy and be unnerving, beliving propaganda over science, not apologising when needed, lacking self awareness and being selfish constantly, not going to therapy&health check ups, making poor spirited jokes about other people, not respecting people’s space, touching them without permission,being disrespectful on purpose to other people(and to yourself), and the phobias(homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, xenophobic),misoginistic,misandrist, ableist, rascist,antisemitic,heavily nationalist attitude, thinking the world revolves only around you and that other people are just tools&objects, not cleaning after yourself, expecting other people to take care of things for/accompaning you as if they have an obligation, thinking violence settles things, refusing to pay people because “it’s for exposure” and “they should do it for the experience/self fuffilment”, loud music in public spaces(please use headphones), dismissing people’s religious practice just because it isn’t exactly how you would do it, pressing other people to live the life you want to but not living the life you want to live yourself, being needlessy pessimistic and cynical about the future(guilty), not being bewildered about earth and not wanting to learn or practice random things(who has time to be hateful when you see a beautiful leaf that has just sprouted?), lack of wanderlust.