That’s a massive blow. Still, Czech Pirates have a bit of representation, so all hopes on them.
Those are the dark times, but the black flag will rise again.
That’s a massive blow. Still, Czech Pirates have a bit of representation, so all hopes on them.
Those are the dark times, but the black flag will rise again.
Basically boils down to quality. The default options for pirated music are FLAC 44.1-96 kHz 16-24 bit, or MP3 320kbps.
Both are better than YouTube quality.
Holy mother of God, how can I unsee it
Onlyoffice sucks very bad with macros in my experience, lacks some advanced functions, and infuriatingly doesn’t seem to have options search, but other than that it’s fantastic, very intuitive, ergonomic and sleek option.
My own daily driver.
Not a parent yet, so take this with a big grain of salt.
But if I were to talk about piracy from a moral standpoint, I would first talk about stealing. Yes, we all know it’s not the same, and it isn’t, but there will certainly be someone who says it is, and it’s better to clear that out. Besides, there are some parallels.
Then a bit on moral and legal grounds of piracy:
And in any case, I think the later you tell your kids about “illegal doesn’t mean bad” the better. Could save a lot of trouble IMO.
hashtag transtorrenting
Assuming there is about 500.000 Annas in the US alone (according to Wolfram Alpha), good luck with that! :D