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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The main reason this world/could work is because it IS so quirky, that they couldn’t fuck it all up like they have everything else progressively more since ff9 came out. Square peaked with ff7 and took a nosedive after 10, change my mind. Baseless uneducated hot take: I blame Enix. Either that, or they still haven’t figured out how to actually bring fun JRPG gameplay into the 21st century without ruining it and making it generic and dull. Ff11 onwards lack intimacy, value, and quiet - they’re tacky, cheap, and feel disingenuous.

    So, ff9 getting a remaster, they couldn’t mess up something that’s the antithesis of their modern stuff so badly that that quirky game loses ALL of it’s appeal.

    I say all of this knowing this dissent and criticism will upset people, but I’ve been staying quiet on this for far too long and it has to be said.

  • Am purist. Grilled cheese doesn’t have meat, otherwise it’s a grilled x with cheese or grilled cheese with x. Maybe if like, there’s a shit-ton of cheese and a sprinkling of meat crumble it could maybe still be a grilled cheese?, but calling a grilled meat sandwich a grilled cheese is like calling a salad with rasins, soy dressing, and grilled chicken a cesear salad just because it has ceasear dressing. You can call it cesear WITH chicken, but the minute it departs from what a specific and narrowly defined sub-item in a category of things is, you need to clarify that.

    Like maybe if you radically improve the original so much that it becomes the standard? Then you can use the name? Like how modern Caesar salads explicitly use anchovy paste rather than Worcestershire sauce, which is where the anchovy flavor came from originally. I’m okay with that being called a Caesar salad because it is really good and close enough that the distinction doesn’t need to be made unless it’s the topic of the conversation, but you still can’t just say it’s the original recipe.

    Tldr: A grilled cheese sandwich is specifically a cheese-only filling sandwich.