Goof. Have your opinions, but do no harm.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • This might sound weird, but bare with me!

    I save funny stuff, goofy things, and positive content in a folder for my son to browse through, which keeps him from looking for content himself in parts of the internet unknown. He loves it, and I had been able to keep the folder updated with a good amount of new images daily, thanks to R×ddit.

    However, lately that has changed. Posts deemed as “wholesome” and “made me smile” now increasingly have the edge of a dystopian nightmare (“look at this father reuniting with his son who he thought was dead amidst this war-torn country! Awwww! Wholesome!” and “this teacher was surprised when his students gave him something that his paycheck should have been able to adequately provide but he is not actually paid enough to afford it! Awww! Made me smile!”). I’ll find animals doing something “cute”, only to realize that behavior is caused by bad or abusive care.

    Now I struggle to find things that are actually funny or nice without having a sexist edge, a horrifying implication, sexual undertones, or some kind of underlying dark tone.

    I am finding less content here, but the content I am coming across seems to be much more genuine! I’ve actually saved quite a bit more things than I’ve seen on R×ddit within the past year.

  • God, it’s awful, right?? I’m upset that not a lot of medicated folks know about the magnesium thing! It really does have an affect on your life. Best part is, when you take it, you typically get relief in like 20 minutes or so!

    Magnesium oxide & magnesium citrate are not great to take. Oxide has a wildly poor absorption rate, and will typically just make you have diarrhea instead of doing what it’s supposed to. Citrate taken long-term will actually make it so your body builds a tolerance to your meds. I’m not exactly sure why, but it does.

    Definitely bring it up to your doctor! Super glad I mentioned it.

  • I mean, if everybody gets access, that’s fine with me. But if there’s a shortage and the people who need it can’t get it, that’s where I have qualms. But that’s a different can of worms.

    Ugh. Diet is such a paaaain.

    Okay, so breakfast affects it a lot. Milk? Get rid of that. It apparently hinders absorption. Same with citrus of any kind! Stick with yogurts, toast, and especially eggs and/or meat. Protein boosts it real good! Love me some egg whites in the morning.

    I don’t know about anyone else, but soda seems to absolutely saps all effectiveness out of the meds. Citric acid also does.

    Take a multivitamin. Make sure your iron levels are good. Do all that. Also, if you’re a woman, YOUR HORMONE LEVELS WILL AFFECT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF YOUR MEDICATION!!!

    That’s my personal experience. Everything except the bolded sentence is not proven science (mostly), but it has been my experience long-term. Hopefully it can somehow help your experience in the future.