
“I’d rather get banned shit-posting than live long enough to see myself become a janny” = u/ram_ranchh now ShitOnABrick

I’m a libertarian

“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” ― Noam Chomsky

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • what you just said is racist “uncle tom” is a term to describe a black gentleman who is subserivent. And token is a term used to describe a black person who acts white

    Yes, they are uncle Tom, token, race traitor morons. Useful idiots, through and through.

    They aren’t voting Trump because they know what is at stake and have chosen Trump. They chose Trump because they’ve been lied to and tricked and now they are afraid.

    I’ve seen this arguement a million times before. Your essentially saying that black people can’t or shouldn’t be conservative. That they should be democrats. That them being conservative makes them an uncle tom. But It’s okay though those same people that you despise. Well some of them Advocate for policys such as the 1st 2nd and 15th admendments. Some of them advocate for these wonderful things called rights. Something you don’t get in middle east, china, russia. places alot of Lemmy users are quite fond of. You get wonderful admendments. such as the 1st 2nd and 15th amendments.the 1st admendment is a very important admendment which allows you to make such vile comments without being prosecuted by the US government. Also allows people to voice their discontent with you and your opinions and actions. such as that retard in the comment lord. Also means that lord or me can’t just bash your head in for these really vile comments on the internet. Or for speech in real life.

  • It’s a democracy. people are allowed to vote for who ever they want. Fair and square. Personally my opinion on the matter is it’s like that south park episode. your neither getting a giant douche or a turd sandwich.

    • (edit) For an exanple Hilary Clinton was a giant douche who had a financial interest in making a no-fly zone in Syria. This would’ve probably lead to another forever war and would’ve costed the us taxpayer millions, Cause Syria irrepressible damage to their infrastructure, cause innocent civilian deaths, destroy civilian livelihoods, And put US troops in harms way.