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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I like the existence of downvotes. They help separate content the community has no feeling about from content the community actively dislikes.

    I love that they’re shown separately. This helps separate controversial opinions from ones the community doesn’t care one way or the other about.

    I like that you can see who downvoted. Looking at their profile can give some insight as to why they didn’t like the content.

  • Once upon a time, Republican leadership were smart but evil people who fed lies to their base but understood that they were lying. Since they weren’t actually delusional, they could choose the most politically useful lies and abandon the ones that didn’t poll well.

    Enough people believed their lies that the new generation of Republicans are True Believers. They’ve lost the ability to tailor their message to the political climate because it’s no longer seen as just a bunch of crap to please the base, but TRUTH. Except that it’s not actually true, so their policies fail.

    This is the inevitable result of governing through falsehood. Objective reality can not be gaslit, and abandoning it never works out well long-term.

  • From the article you linked:

    Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll

    From Cornell Law School’s web site:

    A party is liable when they are held legally responsible for something. Unlike in criminal cases, where a defendant could be found guilty, a defendant in a civil case risks only liability

    At no point in the article you linked did the Judge say that Trump was “found guilty” of anything. Trump has no crime on his criminal record.

    The judge in the article says that Trump was found to have raped Carroll, but acknowledged that there is “a legal distinction” between liability and guilt.

    I’m not trying to defend Trump here, or argue that he didn’t do what he was found to have done, just pointing out that there is a difference between “found guilty of rape” and what actually happened.

  • I have mixed feelings about this

    On one hand, Daryl Davis is a hero, and his method actually works to de-radicalize people. I prefer using this method when I encounter bigots irl.

    On the other hand, allowing bigoted speech in your online platform has the potential to drive away normal folks and turn your platform into the echo-chamber where bigotry flourishes that you mentioned. This is basically what happened to Voat.

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall fight to the death to defend your right to say it.

    I agree with this, but it’s beside the point. This isn’t a public space like a street corner, it’s a managed public/private space like a bar, where the bouncer will kick you out for abusing other patrons.