• 43 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • double tap is in fact a strategy Russia is using

    Hardly unique to the Russians. The “Collateral Murder” video of US war crimes in Iraq was from a helicopter employing a double-tap strategy on a group of civilians fleeing the area.

    Also popular in Gaza and Lebanon, as employed by the Israelis. And in the Philippines, by the government against insurgents. And in India during the invasion of Kashmir. And by the Syrian and Turks in their war on ISIS. And, and, and…

    Russia is a terrorist state, that must be stopped.

    War is the act of committing crimes unimpeded. All states engaged in war are in the act of committing terrorism. When you hear people talk about “necessary evil”, this is the evil their necessitating.

  • warlocks have more fun than any other class

    Love to be dragged into a plane of eternal torment and subjected to the most nightmarish cruelty my patron can devise, because I failed to fulfill condition XXVI.a.243-0.1 in the infernal contract.

    Love to have a creature of mad whimsy show up to cause sheer bedlam at the worst possible moment, because I stumbled in a grove half-starved and ate fruit from the wrong Fae Lord’s magical bush a lifetime ago.

    Love to be forever trapped under the unblinking eye of the Divine Surveillance State with an angel’s merciless glare boring holes into the back of my neck because my great-great-great-grandfather pledged himself to the seventh generation as part of the Glorious Crusade of the Most Righteous High One.

    Warlocks having so much fun right now… weee… :-(

  • Trump was happy enough to sell Ukraine a ton of weapons back in 2018, when Grimmer Bolton was whispering in his ear about playing both sides against the middle.

    So much of this anti-war Trumpism is deeply cynical. He says this shit because the war is unpopular, but as soon as he’s in the driver’s seat he’s going right back to the Nixon in Vietnam and Obama/Trump in Afghanistan strategy of dragging that shit out forever so he doesn’t have to admit he lost.

    People wax poetic about Trump being bad for Gaza. But this guy would be a nightmare for Europe more than anything. He’s erratic, untrustworthy, and easily swayed.

    I think Harris is shit on foreign policy, but I have no illusions about Trump immediately kicking off more conflicts internationally because one of his Beautiful Generals told him it would look cool to drop another fuel bomb or three.