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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I’m finding the opposite actually. Tried it months ago for basic python scripts and it was garbage. Recently started a project where I needed some c++ scripts to flash into an avr microcontroller and it’s been killing it. To be fair I did a decent amount of code myself and also knew exactly what I wanted the program to do. But it has been really good about cleaning up my code, keeping the code consistent through multiple iterations, and understanding my explanations. It teaches me new functions that I didn’t know existed which make the code better and faster. Also, when I was designing the circuit, I could describe what I needed a component to do and it would give me whole lists of, for example, possible types of 5volt voltage regulators and the differences between them.

    I equate it to having a coworker rather than an employee. I can’t really just tell it to do stuff and it’ll spit out a perfect script. I need to work with it to make sure it understands my requirements and realizes it’s errors. The biggest advantage is this coworker has encyclopedic knowledge of electrical components and c++.

  • Definitely. I posted on r/DIY with a picture of a ceiling I was patching in my house. My house is old and I wasn’t familiar with the construction style of my ceiling. I was already well into the job: light fixture removed, ceiling joists exposed, new sheetrock going up. But I wanted to know what the old construction material was and if it was known for being hazardous. So I posted a picture of a chunk from the ceiling with my clearly-already-very-much-started project in the back. Within 15 minutes a mod removed it because “no asking the community how to get started with a project.” I try and fight it but they weren’t having it.

    Over the next week I watched so many posts get very popular on the sub with just a picture of a floor, or wall, or bathroom with a title like “thinking of adding outlets to this wall but don’t know how to start. Help.”

  • Here’s something you need to consider though. We need a well trained Navy and Coast Guard. It’s kind of a necessity that those guys know how to perform water rescues and can perform them well. And it’s for that reason that they actually use events like this for training when they can. Obviously this is extraordinarily rare, so typically they stage trainings for deep water recoveries instead. This is more useful, more real training than the latter option. Likely no one is going to need to pay for the recovery because it’s built into the Navy and Coast Guards budgets set aside for training that would have otherwise paid for a staged recovery. Only this time, they were able to use an actual disaster as a training opportunity. They likely knew, or we’re at least confident that the sub imploded on that Sunday but still spent 4 days on the recovery effort partly to train and partly to get additional evidence to confirm their suspicions.

  • ho ho hoooooo boy. My company forced some of us to choose what schedule we wanted coming back to the office. They sorted this by job titles. I just so happened to be one of the few jobs they were forcing to come back. I work in IT and I work with developers and project managers mostly in my day-to-day. I love WFH and I’m really not a fan of driving 20 minutes each way out of my way to go to an office and do things that I can do from home just fine. But the board is a bunch of super old dudes who demand that we do it because of the company’s traditional values and culture. So naturally I chose the lowest requirement of days in the office that they offered. Get this, though. When it was first pitched to us that we were being forced to come back despite most of our peers getting to WFH, they said it was to encourage in-person collaboration. Motherfucker, the people I collaborate with daily (the aforementioned PMs and Devs) didn’t come back! They are all WFH! I don’t collaborate with a single person in the office ever!!

    And to add to all this, the board has now been giving out hints that they aren’t happy with how many of us chose the lowest number of in-office days for hybrid schedules, they expected us all to voluntarily opt for higher number of days, and they want us all to strive to come in more. Again, god dammit, why would you give us a choice of days if you already had a target in mind of what you’d prefer us to do?? Just make that target a requirement and deal with all of your employees hating you for it. Seeing the numbers of how many people don’t want to be in the office should make you realize that you fucked up making us come back and be more lenient, not force us with an iron hand further into a schedule we all opted to avoid. Fucking insanity.