Free speech enthusiast.

Long term lemmy dot world user, left after their anti communism and created accounts at lemmygrad as well as dot ee

Lemmy world admins are doing a disservice with creating a firewall for hundred thousand users to the idea of and work done by the lemmy developers.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • You know I’ve been here the whole time, you could leverage the same critique in 1998 and yet wouldn’t have gotten a proper voting reform. The point is for that you need a lot of power and that power you don’t get currently.

    Your idea is: Lets create the system so that we get more power, to do that we need enough power to change the system. You see how that is a reverse order?

    If that isn’t the way forward as strategic goal (since it was tried for decades and there was no success in changing it), what specific goals can you personally do to create power? Power that can benefit your community and possibly the world (just so that no nationalistic takes are posed as solutions).

  • Just want to mention a couple things. I work with a group that ensures that people who are trans or gay get asylum in Germany and also get reasonable safe transit. Of course I could do more, but we even brought a trans person from the US who effectively fled what you describe to the right resources so that they could get asylum here (and also into contact with the doctors so that HRT prescriptions don’t have gaps). I am involved in what is now majorly labeled queer politics since the early 90s when the FRG was a place often more restrictive than the GDR in terms of law.

    I do regularly read and sometimes post on Hexbear, I read up your comments (which account for quite a bit of your posting history with this account there) and can understand some of the aspects you mention, but don’t get why you conflate the personal slights against you with an assigned bad position for them. The latter includes words like “hexchan”.

    You do believe that there are some factions in some states of the USA in which the democratic party acts well and secures some of your rights, this is what you hope to strengthen when you defend the democratic party. Plenty users have not as much faith as you do (often people who do have quite a political history themselves, too) including a not small variety of trans users who answered you. Even some in the US and some of them disagree with your outlook. That is a difference of politics and a difference of mental models.

    But they don’t actually care about my rights, happiness, or safety, or those of any other trans people.

    Is disingenuous at best and more reasonable slander. I get that you want to be safe - and hexbear users want that, too, for others, for themselves and for you. However they have a wide range of life stories, users from places the US bombed are posting regularly. They were bombed under Obama too, with harsh police procedures and reduction of rights for LGTBQ folk. Some want a USA that isn’t as easy at the trigger of military “intervention”. Being able to experience multiple points of view is part of a global society and internationalism which is in my eyes the only way for us non cis-endo hetero people to survive long term. Shunning a community of up to 20k users cause you have political differences and slandering them is something you can do, but it will count for what liberal privileged trans users do.

  • The good old: “Actually people supporting trans are doing the right a service!”

    Pity that hexbear is a bastion of trans posters, which means you are effectively saying: “Trans people are (used by) right wing people as ammunition!” which is right, but right wingers do weaponize everything. There is no way to behave nice enough to complacence them.

    I have yet to find a post in your profile in which you do write public support for our trans comrades 🏳️‍⚧️. I doubt you will, but even if you do it it will remain performative unless you repeat it online, amplify trans voices and start to support your LGBTQ community in your meat space. However since you have no positive comment in the last month it is clear that you are objectively not supporting trans rights, since your only mention is how a group you disagree with - which itself does support trans rights - is hurting trans folk. to the audience Raise your hands if that does sound transphobe to you.

    The X are poison is a very common fascist talking point that is actually a verbatim quote of not only that, but Nazi propaganda.

  • That isn’t literally what the person said, though. The modlog and profile on hexbear does show that they did also argue to post less about trans support, argued for people showing less support and did not accept when other, trans!, people explained their view and why he ought to chill out at least. So there was a repeated violation of server rules in a short span of time (and fawx did leave the server).

    The ban in the mod log is also for 1 day, not eternal (all of us are human and sometimes we are on rolls we wouldn’t continue after a good round of sleep). Don’t trust random people when it aligns with your bias. did give already a critique on your comment in content.

  • I’m literally the most left person I personally know by a wide margin

    So you don’t count people you know online, you also don’t go to organizing union meetings, are not part of collectives and not part of a real left party (thus are likely an individualist, moralist, idealist liberal who will often - since there is little self critique and reflection - for example having thought how you could integrate parts of being anti racist in your life within a group). Of course you might be called a reactionary in some cases. Feel free to link to them, post those opinions in the un-safe space we got here as quote and people can do reflect on that. Taking your quote (which likely ignores context to present yourself in a better light) I have to say that:

    trans people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want" (good) "***********************” (bad)

    Yeah that is reactionary. You were rightfully banned as you broke server rules. There were enough campaigns i.e. “Read Trans Liberation!” for you to educate yourself. You didn’t. You are not the victim here.

    To break it down: You went into a space of solidarity and then climbed on a chair and yelled “I don’t care about [group you are supposed to be having a minimum degree of solidarity with]”. Everyone is able to understand that this is even if it is your uncle’s birth date and you would yell that you don’t care about your uncle it is a social faux pas. However what you did is much worse.

    cat-trans The website’s slogan at that point even was “We love our trans comrades!”


    and told to k**l m***lf and then a mod agreed with them

    X: [Doubt]

    You already showed yourself to be an unreliable narrator, no reason to believe such an extraordinary claim.

    Edit Wonder who downvotes this post


    CW in effect transphobia commited in a save space, with multiple repeating posts and comments and an unwillingness to see the perspectives of others, this is the context of what OP did post:


    Is the constantly talking about being trans in leftist spaces not also fueling the over focus on trans people? removed by mod posted by fawx [he/him] to askchapo •

    So no one thinks I’m a troll, I completely support trans people doing whatever the fuck they want with their bodies. And I don’t mind seeing trans stuff. But with that said, I feel like the hundreds and hundreds of posts I see about trans people is not helping. Going off like this site and a few others I browse you’d think trans people are like 40% of people instead of more like 2%.

    I feel like constantly putting them in the spotlight, even to say you support them is just contributing to this “trans awareness burnout” I hear about in a lot of my non-leftist conversations.

    I heard things similar to that within the spoiler during the 80s when I did attend gay meetups, protests and LGBTQ* representation in media became slightly more common (while what we did was still criminal in many places). Turns out I wasn’t gay btw. I was bi (and that includes trans people as bi is defined as having attraction to more than one owns gender) and still am, but was, too. However the gay spaces were the spaces which enabled me to be myself and not the eternal cycle of “this is too much progress for the [women/black people/jews/italians/gays/insert minority/marginalized group of your choice]! they would progress more if they would be silent and try to pass as cis white evangelical hetero who eat meat and drink beer in unhappy marriages!”

    fawx has the capacity to change and act different, as well as to not slander thousands of users with re-tellings of stuff that didn’t happen like that and which minimizes their actions (which is understandable human, but it remains wrong. I do understand the emotional feeling of giving somebody a wipe as fawx did try to do with depicting hexbear as bad for excluding him for no reason - and the willing audience of people taking that for a fact instead of doing their due dilligence). Still the burden is on fawx to read, speak, listen and not primarily center themselves. If they are actually in the union they have enough ways to grow (attending IWW and other fighting unions organizing meetups and summer schools for example).

  • Understandable since one is a government funded :fedbposting: psyop running on servers in the basement of the FBI building. The other is Reddit.


    Was the joke. If you take that as proof that that user and hexbear as aggregate are responsible you might need to breath a bit and do learn to be more critical of media. People making jokes about you(r misfortune) aren’t always out to get you.

    To explain the joke:

    dot world having a harder time with de federating Fascist propaganda (exploding heads and alike, while keeping their users) than with pre emptively doing a US centric Red scare and McCarthyism is quite funny and something the intelligence agencies of the US had in their hand books for over half a century. It is also often the action of liberals who think civility is more important that positive justice.

    However lets say a piece or two about, they are close to conspiracy thought sometimes.

    Join “” ; here you can create your own communities 🙂

    Respect and thanks to the creators of lemmy-software, pretty sure they have friends (states) with big pockets 😆 !

    Yeah, cause FOSS means evil communist governments secretly funding open source software.

    They also regularly lie and misconstrue what people say.

    All in all the user is a good example how liberal moderation policy (or the lack of them) leads to gray and black propaganda and spheres that are not emancipatory.