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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Lol, are you seriously still peddling the “if you don’t vote for Hillary you’re sexist” bullshit? It was pathetically transparent back in 2016, it’s downright delusional now.

    Couldn’t have anything to do with her being an unapologetic war hawk. Or a Clinton (the last one helped set up our economy to crash in 2008). Or a weak candidate with weak positions pandering to the middle even during the primary instead of pushing left. Or an entitled narcissist who colluded with the DNC leadership to put their thumb on the scale. Or a petulant child who was too busy smearing her primary opponent even after the general was over to take responsibility for the fact that she and her campaign directly gave us Trump by propping him up as a pied piper.

  • Officially they’re on hiatus. They originally said they were retiring the line, but then changed their tune and stated that the Bolt line will return after they can implement their new EV battery tech in them. I believe the statements have been imprecise about when that will be, but potentially sometime in 2025 (meaning the 2026 model). That’s assuming no delays or changes to the plan.

    If you want a new Bolt without waiting for the revived line, I’d think about acting soon. They’re moving really quickly in my area. I’m really happy with the EUV so far, but I’m still only at like 250 miles. I didn’t go for the Premier since I don’t care about adaptive cruise control or their “Super Cruise” self driving thing.

  • This is a bit off topic, but there are some first-playthrough experiences that are truly magical, and you’ve named several of the games that did that for me. Subnautica, Outer Wilds, RDR2, Stardew Valley, Horizon Zero Dawn. I’m sure there are more (and older ones too like KOTOR and Paper Mario). Replayability is great, but I love those first playthroughs.

  • And that’s part of the reason the Israel-Palestine conflict is so contentious. Both peoples are indigenous to the region, having strong ancestral ties to the Canaanite peoples that inhabited the area over many periods of external rule and migrations.

    That the Jewish people were once forced from the area but retained their identity in new lands doesn’t diminish their right to live in their ancestral home. Nor does it give them the right to treat their distant cousins (who also have ancestral claim) the Palestinians the way the state of Israel has.

    I don’t know what the solution is, but many Palestinians and Israelis just want peace, contrary to the rhetoric of their governments.

  • No, you’re either not understanding my point or being intentionally obtuse. That the Republicans will oppose national health care reform is a given, and has no relevance on internal party policy. My point is that the Democrats failed to keep momentum even within their own party, and attacked anyone who claimed the ACA was insufficient. 2020 was the first election cycle where they finally admitted the ACA was insufficient.

    Shifting between attacking positions and throwing the Republicans up as a get-out-of-argument-free card is exactly the same tired rhetoric the Democratic party has been using for decades.

  • They should have kept pushing for a full single-payer healthcare system as the policy platform instead of demonizing anyone who dared suggest it. Whether or not they could enact it yet, they’ve completely killed the momentum we had from passing the ACA by treating it like it solved everything. So now that’s the best we’ll ever have for the foreseeable future.

    Throwing up the Republicans as an excuse is just typical blame-shifting. As you’re clearly aware, they were never going to be part of any solution, so they’re pretty irrelevant to the discussion.

  • doctordevice@lemm.eetoGaming@lemmy.mlANTI-UNITY STRATEGY
    1 year ago

    This strategy can backfire if your game gets popular enough. If both versions are counted separately and they each pass 1mil downloads and the 12 month revenue threshold then you’re paying the higher per-install fee brackets twice.

    To demonstrate, let’s imagine a game like this has 4 million installs in the first year and uses the Enterprise plan for the best pricing structure.

    Scenario A: single version

    • First 1,000,000 @ $0.00: $0
    • 1,000,001-1,100,000 @ $0.125 : $12,500
    • 1,100,001-1,500,000 @ $0.06 : $24,000
    • 1,500,001-2,000,000 @ $0.02 : $10,000
    • 2,000,001-4,000,000 @ $0.01 : $20,000
    • Total cost: $66,500

    Scenario B: two versions priced separately, 2 mil installs each

    Each one is the first four lines above, so the total cost is $46,500*2 = $93,000

    In either scenario, additional installs beyond these 4 million cost $0.01 each (regardless of which game it’s installed on). There’s a fine line of staying below the annual revenue thresholds (or not too far above) where this strategy does save you money.

  • I have a pipe dream of slowly developing a game of my own, but even if I think I could eventually figure out my own homebrew engine, the whole thing is operating on my free time so that’s even more unrealistic of a goal that’s either gonna lead nowhere or to massive headache down the line.

    So I looked around and liked a few things about Unity:

    • 2D game support
    • Easy publishing to consoles
    • Free to develop in while I test the waters
    • Plethora of training material available

    I’ve sunk a decent amount of time into training materials already, and was starting to feel good about the whole process when this news hit. Not even gonna question it, I’m looking elsewhere. Godot looking mighty tempting to avoid any shenanigans like this. Ultimately if my dream ever realizes I’d like to be able to publish to console, but there are routes available for that with Godot and maybe the options would improve by the time I reach that point.

  • Neoliberals need to get this through their head: a sizeable minority of us do not like the Democratic Party and don’t believe we are represented by them, regardless of whatever empty rhetoric they spew. Sizeable enough that you can lose elections without us. We are not a long-term reliable voting bloc and you need to learn tactics other than bullying and fear-mongering to get your way.

    To abuse a metaphor, Hillary Clinton and her primary shenanigans were the straw that broke my back. Donald Trump and what he represented was bad enough that I managed to muster enough energy to vote for Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020. But I’m tired, and if I’m able to muster the energy for 2024 it’ll be the last time. I’m done voting for people that I do not want to be my president. It doesn’t have to be a progressive, but give me someone I can stomach or you can leave me out of your election math.

    And the tired refrain of “Biden is the most progressive president ever” isn’t a consolation prize, it’s salt in the wound.