i ramble about video games. i like sharing & weird stuff. @ me with weird games.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2022

  • Heya, I dig the walls of text sometimes! I also tend to bounce around a variety of games, so I like the idea of short notes about each. Until recently I was writing similar notes digitally as separate notepad files and littering them throughout my computer, but I’ve been trying to make a habit of using stuff like Zim or Joplin to keep them better organized. 😅

    Also right there with you on covering weird jank and “subpar” games, so thanks for writing about them!

  • Hey yeah, appreciate the detail in how you go about it! I’m kinda surprised by the responses saying they don’t tend to write anything until further in and/or completion, but it’s reassuring in a way, as that’s been my approach too for some time.

    I also dig that you try to engage with the “soul idea” as you call it of games. It resembles what I’ve read elsewhere of a reviewer trying to evaluate in part on whether a game achieved what it set out to do or not, which I thought was interesting.

  • The sad part is, those preyed upon aren’t always necessarily well off enough to afford it.

    It’s one of those situations where either the microtransactions are in fact small, so the low costs add up over time before the victims realize it, or they’re set up to pressure people into multiple rapid transactions, and so they either exploit some people’s poor impulse control or gambling addictions, or more often than not, both.

  • How does some of the Warframe community reconcile that kind of narrative with its whole business model?

    I’m aware it’s generally considered among the “better ones”, but it still is what it is, a freemium game that by necessity has to push its business model on you since it doesn’t have an upfront cost.

    I guess maybe it inadvertently adds to the atmosphere of being under the heel of capitalists?