A human who has opinions

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I’m a guy who prefers community based distros. They don’t have business decisions get in the way of the needs of the community. It ain’t perfect, but it’s worth the tradeoffs for me. Debian for stuff I don’t want to constantly mess with. Arch for the express purpose of constantly messing with (and sometimes messing up).

  • Helping a strategic trade ally and making it clear that they have the backing of the US in more than just words seems to me like something that would make invading Taiwan even more risky than an amphibious invasion would already be. It’s not like Taiwan (or the US) is going to invade the mainland, so I can see why this is, and has been, the foreign policy of the US. The US aircraft carrier group that’s patroling the area and the commitment to defend Taiwan in the TRA are already a thing. This is just following through on commitments already announced. I don’t see a way that this transfer of weapons could be used as a pretense for an attack where the international response wouldn’t be extremely negative towards mainline China. I don’t agree with a lot of the foreign policy of the US, but I can see how they justify it with their own interests.

  • It’s an immutable filesystem fork of Arch, not vanilla Arch. It’s as stable as any operating system is, doesn’t update in the same way Arch does, and doesn’t even allow the user sudo privilege. Also, you don’t even need to interface with Linux. The front end is extremely intuitive, but you also have the option of a pretty great KDE Plasma desktop mode if you switch over. Fortunately, it has no Candy Crush, Teams, or Cortana in the Start Menu.

  • They switched from a Debian based OS to an Arch based immutable fork for the Deck. There are folks who have built a close version to SteamOS 3, but there would be no need if Valve would just release the official OS. I can’t imagine why they haven’t. It would only make it cheaper for other hardware manufacturers to release a product. I don’t know how much of the Ally’s price is just covering the Windows license, but it has to be a substantial percentage of the overall retail price.