I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • So they have a couple servers and I had charcters on all of them. On most, yeah GSF was kinda dead. But omg on Star Forge? You can chain pop matches all day. It’s by far the most populated NA server and much more active than the others. Would highly recommend heading there if you wanna scratch that dog fighting itch. 😉

    (after ARR at least - especially Shadowbringers and Endwalke)

    Oh yeah, those were the best storylines for sure. And I am absolutely not here to say the story in FF14 is bad, I’ve played most of the FF games and the story is always solid. But the amount of choices, variations and alignment options really seals swtor as my favorite in this regard. Absolutely no shade for anyone that disagrees, just my personal opinion. ♥

  • So PBS Frontline has this new documentary that I watched a few weeks ago, “Biden’s Decision”. As a leftist that voted against Trump, not FOR Biden, I figured I would learn more about his history.

    But it was honestly shocking to me that the entire crux of the piece was “Get back up” and “Determination” for all the times Biden ran for president, he himself never really gave a good reason why. Biden decided he wanted to be president, and therefore he spent his whole life running for president, not because he felt he was the most qualified or best for the country. But because he wanted it. Biden wanted to be the one in charge, but historically, he never had many who actually wanted him? Dude only got to the White House when Obama balanced his ticket and then again when his best qualification was “Literally Not Trump”.

    So while I am glad he dropped out, and somewhat happy for Biden for achieving a life goal, I guess? Still don’t see a compelling reason to be enthusiastic for the man, yet it was eye opening that no one has ever been enthusiastic for him. Biden stepping down was the right thing to do, just not the thing he wanted to do. Not really sure that is deserving of praise?

    Humility isn’t exactly a noble virtue, it’s a standard. Not this lifetime running for the sake of running. Glad he is finally out, but that’s hardly going above and beyond, it’s less than the bare minimum.