• 35 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • It’s wild watching Democrats doing everything they can to repeat 2016. Now it’s “Bidenomics” says the economy’s great, why won’t you listen to us? Appointing a special counsel that releases a report about illegally storing classified material that says Biden’s too forgetful to have had intent. Instead of collapsing at a 9/11 memorial, Biden’s had 4 major incidents with his memory in the space of a week. Biden’s net favorability of -17 is lower than Hillary hit even after the Comey report. DNC removing candidates from the primary ballot that they’re scared of. Next thing you know, we’re going to find out Biden never stopped in Wisconsin for the 2024 campaign.

  • Unfortunately they’ve either learned nothing, or are more than happy to let it happen again - this time with the military. By 2026 or so there’s a very real chance that the military will be full of far right appointees that have no qualms about using nuclear weapons on population centers, carrying out genocides, employing the military against the American people, etc. etc. Just like the judiciary in 2014-2016, the military is full of vacancies waiting for the next far right president to fill overnight as soon as he takes power.