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Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2024


  • its a common refrain. I don’t particularly care.

    And what makes you conclude that violent opposition from Muslim fanatics prohibits the immigrants from being peaceful?

    Who invited them to Palestinian? did they have a statue saying ‘bring us your tired, your weak, your sick?’ why call them violent muslin fanatics and not just Muslim fanatics?

    We both know why jerusalum was chosen. because they considered it their holy land. we also both know that immigration is rarely accepted by local populations. just look at our own country (assuming you live in the US).

    If you think I care about the palestinians any more than the jews in israel you’re incorrect. I care that American weapons and funds are committing a genocide, and act clearly prohibited by our laws. I care very deeply that both sides stop killing each other. Did you know that the biden admin, and the saudis were close to having an agreement to create a palestinian state and normalize relations with israel and the suadis on oct 6 just prior to the attacks? I wonder why hamas attacked, I wonder why bibi is going on a rampage. both parties that benefit from tense relations.

    Can you imagine what might have happened in bibi just took the hit and tried to work it out peacefully? can you imagine if biden put his foot down just once early on and forced them to?

    I don’t give a shit who threw the first punch generations ago. what matters is the actions that are being taken today. I fear now we’re another 4 generations away from peace.

  • What’s trumps excuse?

    who cares? he never had a chance at my vote to begin with for a large number of reasons. we can just add it to the pile of shitty things trump is okay doing. but we already knew he was willing to commit genocide. this is a surprise to no one who as paid attention.

    What’s God’s excuse?

    dunno if i could find him i’d ask him.

    What’s your excuse?

    for what? not supporting harris? I’ve been very clear on this: genocide.

    I’m tired of all this.

    so am I friend, so am I. I’m not the one running around trying to convince people to vote for a particular candidate by shaming others using intellectually dishonest claims of ‘helping trump’, ‘both parties were going genocide, pick the lesser evil’, etc.

    I want people to get off their ass and vote. I didnt vote for harris or trump, I voted down ballot. I’m also not in a swing state or a state with shitty womens rights. harris is going to win my state regardless. That being said the liberals running around spouting nonsense about helping trump when its clearly and demonstrably not true is going to lead to people not voting at all.

    And that my friend is why I call this shit out. because they might have voted down ticket regardless which can only help the situation. and quite frankly im happy to treat people with the same level of vitriol that they treat others. Now I will continue campaigning against genocide and getting ranked choice done, please volunteer so people can stop being asses to each other.

  • ah yes, the classic ‘it was their land originally’ argument. they had to fight a civil war with the local government and won due to support from western powers.

    The British government had publicly committed itself to the creation of a Jewish homeland in the 1917 Balfour declaration. Palestinian Arabs opposed this design, asserting their rights over the former Ottoman territories and seeking to prevent Jewish immigration. As a result, Arab–Jewish tensions grew in the succeeding decades of British administration. In late 1947, the United Nations voted for the partition of Mandate Palestine and the creation of a Jewish and an Arab state on its territory; the Jews accepted the plan, while the Arabs rejected it. A civil war ensued, won by the Jews.

    After pushing out the Ottomans, Palestine came under martial law. The British, French and Arab Occupied Enemy Territory Administration governed the area shortly before the armistice with the Ottomans until the promulgation of the mandate in 1920.

    that not nearly the same thing. as ‘peaceful immigration’ as you try to imply. I don’t particularly care one way or the other, religious fanatics are gonna fanatic. do you have a particular point you were trying to make?

  • I dint particularly care if they court me. Harris can have all the policies in the world she cant enact 99% of them without democrats in the legislature ao they’re worth less than the paper they’re written on without yhose commitments. Its not like they have a job other than writing this legislation. Should have these bills ready to go with their signatures on them. Now that would convince me she can deliver.

    Now if harris committed to arms embargo by upholding leahy w/ israel, or keeping ms khan, or promising to support striking workers with aid, id be all over her. Because she can do that.

    You see the difference between me and you is i hold politicians accountable for what they can do…not what i want to hear.

  • Incorrect, you can see Harris scrambling for votes from other groups the dnc has also disenfranchised. This entire conversation id proof that its not a wash. Its a net loss for the dems. There are only so many times a group can say but we’re better than those guys whole doing the exact same thing as those guys before people laugh and tune them out.

    DNC wants votes?

    • were is mandatory pto, sick days?
    • where is universal healthcare?
    • where is police/judicial reforms?
    • where is labor support?
    • where the fuck is my non genocidal option?

    My vote was up for grabs by the dnc and they decided to stay the course. Biden lost my vote when he committed to breaking a strike and then a genocide. Thats on them. Dont like it bitch at them for running a shitty platform.

    At this point the only way ill believe dems during an election is they have the bills ready to go and presigned by Congress