How do the SaaS AI code assistants work? I am guessing they have to send the entire file or the codebase to their datacenter. Won’t this be a problem for corporations who want to protect their codebase?
a cool (brr) dude
How do the SaaS AI code assistants work? I am guessing they have to send the entire file or the codebase to their datacenter. Won’t this be a problem for corporations who want to protect their codebase?
we maintain the same goal – to build digital advertising solutions that respect individuals’ rights
Does it include the right to be able to choose not to be advertised to?
Yes, advertising enables free access to most of what the internet provides
What does this even mean?
I don’t read their blog posts but seems like they have fully embraced startup lingo.
It’s Glowtime
Yup. Just this morning I was brushing my teeth and he seized my toothbrush.
People Make Games made a video about Valve’s structure as well if anyone is interested.
Can I see this unprecedented misconfiguration?
Google: No
What’s a “real” ad? They use that term multiple times and I can’t imagine how it is different from a normal ad or if the adds that the start menu already had were somehow different from normal ads.
Unpaywalled link:
The way they explain the use case of cognitive enhancements it doesn’t sound as controversial as the title implies. Unless I misunderstood it.
Tests are meant to gatekeep who gets to get the field training required to become a doctor. Sending every jabroni into residency willy-nilly is probably gonna collapse the healthcare system completely.
It says as much as it does for an LLM but doctors have to have a lot of field experience after passing these tests before they get certified as doctors.
This research has been done a lot of a times but I don’t see the point of it. Exams are something I would expect LLMs, especially the higher end ones, to do well because of their nature. But it says next to nothing about how reliable the LLM as an actual doctor.
Wow I can’t believe this. No one could have seen this coming.
Ah shit the goddamned Pope is a Russian troll
Lots of people understandably jump to the idea of “free healthcare” when trying to understand this phenomenon. While that is somewhat correct, there is lot more that needs to be done to achieve what Cuba has in terms of public health. The mode and amount of payment by patients is just one aspect of it. They also have train doctors of the appropriate quality and in the adquate quantity. Then they have to invest in the infrastructure and products that the health system needs which they manage despite crippling sanctions. There are a ton of other things as well, like ensuring that the rural areas have access to clinics and doctors which is one of the biggest of the countless failings of the Indian medical system.
I guess that the point I am trying to make is that you need a government that gives a shit about the people and considers them people rather than expendable workhorses for the owning class. Cuba, emerging out of a people’s revolution, had this checked off. I bring this up because I feel even if Bernie had won the nomination and presidency he would have been able to only make marginal improvements to the American condition with his promise of a single-payer healthcare system which tackles only one small aspect of a deeply rotten healthcare system that the USA has. If he was somehow able to make any noticeable improvement without getting assassinated, they would be rolled back by whatever administration followed his kinda like how UK’s NSA is slowly being strangulated as we speak.
You cannot have “free as in free speech” healthcare when the reigns of power are held by a wealthy minority.
Don’t live. Problem solved.
The protests are for MSP. It’s the price at which the government buys the produce from the farmers. There are no middlemen involved in this transaction.
I’ll relay this to Xi Jinping immediately he’ll be glad to know of your approval