Fuck, really? Fishing? Christ on a scooter, WTF.
Warframe has always been Barbie for mech weeboos. 🤌🏽
Godzilla mode rules them all.
Let’s be fair, here.
He “got shot” as much as your uncle “caught” that one fish before it “got away”.
He “got shot” as much as a “special teams” player is “part” of a football team.
He “got shot” as much as OJ’s glove “didn’t fit”.
He “got shot” like Lincoln didn’t.
Motherfucker “got shot” as much as his fans can read.
“Everywhere” would imply the entire map is red, thanks.
The GOP does not hug — that’s for their priests and children
Petroleum? That tracks.
Is there Mardi Gras?
Fair point.
You’ve not met m(any) US cops, I take it?
Damn. Absolutes got me again. 🤪
No one flips Red on a whim.
My money’s on Republican projection standards being so clearly Machiavellian at their root that this is just one more scripted drama to prop up their fetid meatsac and inspire tacticool trogs to run amok again…
Yes “as it stand” is really driving the point home here. My bad, son.
Perhaps you meant “as well as” instead of “despite”, though.
Tell me you think Batman is a movie franchise without saying you’re too young to know better. 🥲
There comes a time when one realizes that, without The Joker around, Bruce Wayne is just another billionaire bleeding the people of Gotham from the shadows so he can play monster hunter until Mommy & Daddy come home.
Fucksake. 🥹