Oh, yeah, vim motions are wonderful. I started using them when I installed Linux on my Chromebook due to the lack of a good keyboard setup (I still don’t know where the Delete key is on that thing).
Oh, yeah, vim motions are wonderful. I started using them when I installed Linux on my Chromebook due to the lack of a good keyboard setup (I still don’t know where the Delete key is on that thing).
vim (or better yet vim bindings) is great. I’ll never go back.
Neovim. I tried to use it a year ago, but I felt like I was fighting it every time I just wanted to make progress on my project. VSCode doesn’t get in my way. I’m going to give it another shot in a few years.
I don’t know how to get everyone I know to really understand this. Every time I bring it up in conversation, the other person just puts their hands up and explains that they’re powerless to address it, so it’s not even worth talking about. I don’t know how to respond to the apathy.
I just had to restart Skyrim (again), but I am determined to beat the main storyline this time. I have hundreds of hours in this game and I’ve played just about every side quest. On those rare moments I stumble into a new dungeon, I just absorb each step, soaking it all in.
“Normal transaction” after a fundamental change in how all games that use your product are financially responsible by novel, unmeasurable, and unrealistic metrics. No transaction prior to this kind of announcement is “normal” imo.
I just started using vim binding seriously a year ago and using vim generally to work with code. I’m so grateful for his (and everyone else’s work) on this product. I can only hope that my software can make such an impact on the world.
The runoff voting downside is incorrect, the “drag the voters up to yellow and watch how it makes red win” example. This is not “see how making yellow more popular makes yellow lose”. It’s actually “see how making red more popular than yellow makes red win”. The movement of the voters is not for yellow, but for red and yellow in a way that gives more voters to red.
There is no way for yellow to be the only candidate to get a boost of voters in the demo. If there were, it would only demonstrate further that yellow would still continue to win.
Runoff voting is the way.